Chapter 13

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"I do," said a smiling Emma as Killian placed her ring on her wedding finger.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife," Doc said. "You may now kiss the bride."
Hook pulled Emma into a kiss as she kissed him back, everyone was clapping, some were even crying tears of joy.
Hook and Emma pulled away, they were finally married, after all these years. Hook looked at Henry and knelt down at his level, "Henry," Hook started in a soft caring tone, "I may not be , as great as your dad, but I can assure you, I'll always be there for you mate, and, I know you mightn't think of me as your new step father but -"
"What're you talking about?" Henry asked cutting off Hook's talk, "you went from a villain to a hero, you went from being the dark one to a hero again, you fell back in love, you made my mom happy, you taught me how to sail a ship, you watch out and look out for me, don't you get it? You're already my dad."
Tears rolled down Emma's cheeks as she smiled at her husband and son bonding. Everything was going great at the wedding, everyone was having a good time for once...but that came to end, when Jace and Will collapsed on the ground, unconscious, Tessa was checking for Will's pulse, Clary did the same with Jace. Then, they heard Alec and Jem scream in agony pressing their hand on their neck. Then, Will, Jace, Jem and Alec's neck started to glow eerily white as a marking was cutting through there skin. Blood, seeping out of Will and Jace's neck an unfamiliar rune was marked on their necks.
"WILL!" Tessa cried out as she shook him , "please, come back, to me! "
"Jace! Jace! Hey hey, wake up! " Clary cried out.
"Who did this? " Izzy questioned clenching her fist looking at her brother's neck.
"Alec, Alec can you hear me?" A very worried Magnus called out, but everything sounded muffled to Alec, he was even seeing things blurry. "Alec, honey, please, say something," Magnus said cupping Alec's face, "I'm not about to loose you."
"Oh, but you might, " said 2 men as they stepped out of the shadows. They were both wearing sharp tuxedos, with a sinister look on their faces.
"And just who the Hell are you?" Regina demanded.
"Moms," Henry said, his faced pale with fear, "that's -,"
Tessa stood up, eyes widen with fear, "Nate, and...Mortmain..." Her body shaking.
"" Zelena asked. "They said you couldn't come back..ever."
The Magister chuckled making everyone's blood and skin crawl.
"Oh, that would be the work me, dearie."

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