Chapter 17

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"Are your eyes closed?"

I wobble another step when I say, "Yeah."

"I swear, don't you peek." It almost sounds like a threat. The front of his body is pressing into my back all the while his hands are on my shoulders. He's guiding me somewhere, but where? The bitter air scrapes my face with frost that chaps my lips, and I keep having to lick my mouth.


And I do.

Vibrant lights glimmer within the green of the tree that stands tall in downtown Columbus. All the colors you can name are here.

"Oh Benjie..." I am lost in a pool of luminous glows. "It's so beautiful." I can't help but smile.

He touches my cheek with a kiss, and then I feel something inside of me.

Hormones I guess.

"I knew you'd like it. I know it's a bit cheesy, but..."

I turn to face him, and when he glances to the tree, I can see the lights reflecting in his chocolate brown eyes. This man seems to grow everyday. He stands quite big in front of me. His form could easily devour my small physique. 

"I like you Keelie." Mouth swirling into a curvy grin, he embraces mine, nearly swallowing me into passion. Arms of soothing movements loll me deeply, and it's just a modest kiss, yet an immerse closeness with much hidden intensity. His teeth nibble on my bottom lip, and therefore, my heart accelerates, just a handful of  thumps that may make my chest explode. I'm too crowded inside. 

I've never felt this way before, and it's scary.

* * * * *

"Are you hungry, thirsty maybe?" He hunches forward, rummaging through his vacant frigerator.

Although my throat is dry, I say no thanks.

I try again. "So what happened to your knuckles?"

"Doesn't matter." He doesn't even look at me.

"It does to me."

"I..." he glances to me. "I...Got into a fight."

"With who?" I ask.

"Just the hag."

I think of the girl with the beautiful features.

"What'd you do to her?"

He sighs, presses to the counter, and rakes his fingers through his messy brown hair. He seems to be buying time.

"She made me mad. That's all I want to say."

"How'd she make you mad?"

"Drop the subject." He scowls only a moment, but rather quickly he replaces it with a smile. There's a warning in his voice. 

I gulp, and say, "How are you at least?"

"I'm..." he steps closer to where I sit. "Better I guess."

I want to grab his memories, take them away and toss them to the lost hours we all wish to forget.

I take a stance and walk over to him. Glancing up into his face, my gut squirms inside of me. "If you ever need anything..." I place my palm over the top of his rough hand. "Anything at all..."

His features seem to relax, and he touches my mouth with his thumb. His lips part, and without words, I know he wants to say something. But sometimes telling just can't explain. He leans in, and warm breath hovers over my cheeks. For a moment I think he might kiss me.

Deal With It By: Audrey B. HolleyWhere stories live. Discover now