Chapter 23 (about 5 months later)

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The upcoming months have managed to crawl swiftly before I even realize it's May. The winter has told a farewell, and the blazing sun grins broadly down at the earth. Billy Yarden is spending his summer at the detention center for what he tried to do in January. Apparently, I'm not the first girl he's sexually assaulted.

Now, I am sitting on the steps of my front porch, staring out at the clothed trees, and listening to the soft whisper of the wind.

Right on time, Benjie shows up when he said he would when he phoned an hour ago. The motor sputters before he swings a leg over the seat. He makes long elegant strides and rakes a hand through his brown hair. The loose toss of his hips makes my heart flutter, and I momentarily struggle to compose myself. 

"Hey beautiful."

I flutter my lashes, wishing to knock myself out of the daze he puts me in. "Hey," I push out. The yellow shirt he wears clings to his spacious build. "That color looks nice on you."

"Thanks." He brings forth a smile that pukes tingles in my stomach. He sits down beside me on the steps. He turns to me, burning a stare deep into my pupils. "I'm assuming Natalie and Franky aren't here yet?"

I clear my throat, but in the process I nearly swallow my tongue and bite my lip. 

He nudges me playfully. "Love it when you do that." He then snakes a sturdy arm around my waist, and his fingers tap against the small of my back. 

The engine of a car is heard.

I leap up, and run to my best friend. "Natalie!" I knock into her, and we embrace each other in a firm hug. From the corner of my eye, I see Benjie and Franky doing that weird chest pump guys typically do.

"Let me go get my swim suit, and I'll be right out." We all made plans to go for a swim at Natalie's house for the day, and I'm eager to feel the freshness of a decent paddle in the soothing water.

Just when I come outside, towel and swimming gear in hand, I stop on the last step, and twist around, calling to my brother, "Are you sure you don't want to join us?"

David peers in the door way and leans a shoulder against the frame. His arms are crossed as he says, "Nah, I'm good. I've got some stuff to take care of anyway."

I shrug. "OK. I'll be home around 6:30 or so."

I latch the belt after easing into the backseat. Franky sticks a dangling arm out the window of the passenger front seat once he situates himself more comfortably. Benjie crawls in opposite of me, and buckles himself in. Natalie adjusts her mirror, and asks, "Everybody ready?"

We all respond will a simple yes, and at that we lurch onto the road, off to her place.

* * * * *

"Bombs away!" Natalie charges from the deck connected to her pool, and launches into the water. Franky splashes her, and grins teasingly.


"Sorry babe! Had to!" He calls to her. She takes long strokes to reach him, and attempts to dunk him under. Instead of allowing her to do so, Franky picks her up, and falls limply, making them both drop below the surface.

I smile at how cute they are together. I dangle my feet in the water, not ready to dive in quite yet. I slip off my glasses, rub my eyes, and set them back on my face. 

Just now, I turn my gaze to the love of my life. His flesh glistens from the droplets that roll off his nude chest.

Look at all that muscle!

My heart goes Thump! Thump! Thump!

"Hey cutie!" He calls, startling me from my train of thoughts.

Deal With It By: Audrey B. HolleyWhere stories live. Discover now