Chapter 21

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I'm scrambling for an explanation as I'm walking up the front steps of my house. I've managed to get half way up the stairs to my room when I hear David say my name. My trembling hand grips the railing.

"Yeah?" My voice gives way too easy into my emotional state at this moment.

"How was your time with Mrs. Rubert?"

Thump! Thump! Thump!

His feet are gaining up the stairs to me.

I clear my throat. "Uh... I can't really talk right now." I step so fast that I almost lose footing. But I recover quickly, and head to my bedroom.


Just as I sit down at the edge of my bed to slip off my shoes, he comes in.

"What's wr-" But he stops, and stares stupidly at my face. He seems to stand up straighter than before. "Keelie."

I bend my head to look at the carpet, and I rub the tip of my blanket between my fingers for comfort. "Yeah?" 

"What happened at the therapist place?"

I swallow hard, but the lump growing in my throat won't go away. I bite my lip, but I'm defeated. The tears show. "Billy Yarden is what happened." I then look up to see my brother crossing his arms over his chest.

"What'd he do?"

But I think he already hints. He's going to make me say it.

"He tried to..." It's time to unleash the sobs. I sputter, and allow my face to fall into the comfort of my own palms. "He almost raped me David!" I muffle forcefully. I hate using that word; it's ugly.

I try to compose myself so I can explain. "The only reason why he didn't is because Jimmy stopped him!" Why do I keep shouting?

"Is Billy that kid with the brown hair and he's always wearing a golden necklace?"

I nod.

Davids blue eyes then narrow on my outfit. "Why is your coat backwards?"

"Because..." I dawdle at the memory that occurred only an hour ago. "He tore my shirt, and broke the zipper on my coat." I hang my head in shame. I can't believe I wasn't strong enough, so powerless...

"Where is he?" By now, he's clenching his hands, and his nostrils are flaring.

"I don't know."

He's pacing in front of me. "Wait till I get my hands around his neck. He'll wish he never laid a finger on you."

"Jimmy took care of him pretty good."

The sound of the front door, and our parents muffled voices in the kitchen makes my heart drop to my stomach.

Probably back from an ultra sound for the baby.

David is already bolting from my room.

By the time I step foot into the room they are in, my brother is spilling it all.

Mom looks to me, her jaw dropping at the sight of my cheek, and my odd wear of clothing.

* * * * *

Mom ushers dad and my brother out of the room, so she can speak to me privately. We are sitting on my bed, and we are facing each other.

"Take off your coat."

I do.

And then she gasps at the damaged shirt. He had split it all the way to my belly button in the front from the looks of it. I hadn't realized just how severely he had ripped it.

Deal With It By: Audrey B. HolleyWhere stories live. Discover now