The word I didn't want to hear!

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Chapter 7

When I got home, I had another assignment waiting for me in my private mail box, hmm that was quick, normally there is always a week between them. I walked into my house and threw my keys and phone on the table. I glanced through the assignment and was surprise to find it was an incubus, I was hunting, that's odd I never had to deal with one of them before. I quickly read through the information and found he hangs around a night club, taking advantage of drunken teenagers, that was as far as I was reading, I didn't need to turn my stomach reading anymore.

I looked at the night club he was hanging around, it was a favourite of wolves and popular crowds to hang from school, its called The Edge. Just Great I thought, looks like their going to get to see me sooner than Jake and the warriors thought. I picked up my phone and dialed the number for one of the council members I trust,

" Hi Athena, what's wrong, is it the assignment? he asked.

" No the assignment is fine, I just want to ask you to find out as much as you can about the Black Moon Pack that's moving into my area, and what the story is with the coven that moves with them" I said.

" No, problem I will look into them, be careful tonight, an incubus are not easily to kill, you have the best chance out of them all because of your bloodline, let us know when its done, I should have some information for you by then" he said.

"I will" I said and hung up.

Right what to wear tonight, nothing to simple that the others know who I really am, and enough to keep up the appearance of the "Seducer", to the others.

I took a long hot bath and listened to the music play through the speaker in my bathroom, I wanted to listen to something a bit different so I put on Florence and the machines, and enjoyed my bath.

After I was wrinkly from staying in too long I got out, I wrap a towel around my body and one in my hair. I look through my wardrobe and try to pick something to wear. I decide on a dark red backless lace dress with short sleeves and a pair of silver peep toe 5 inch heels. I sit down and make a start on my hair, I dry and then straighten it, I leave my fringe to my right side, and done a braid around the front of my hair like a headband.

After im happy with how my hair looks, I start on my make up and give myself black and silver Smokey eyes, I put a thin line of eyeliner on, and my signature red lipgloss, I put my dress on and slipped on my peeptoe heels, they made my already long legs look longer. I placed on my charm necklace that hang down around my chest and a few silver bangles, I grab my short black leather jacket and grabbed my keys to my evo6, and headed to the garage.

I started my car and heard it roar to life, got that is the sexiest sound ever. I sped down the driveway and onto the main road, the club was about half an hours drive away, its where they have a better chance getting served, where as me, I always get served, I look older than seventeen, I can pass for twenty one. I blast the way you are, I love that song by Timberland, always gets me in the mood for dancing, even do its an oldish song.

Before I know it, I have already arrived, all heads turn to look at my car, the sound alone would be enough to drool over. I see the soon to be Alpha Jake and that bitch Eva join the cue. Guess his alpha status doesn't get him anywhere in the human run clubs.

I get out of my car and hear a few bitchy comments for girls, and telling there boyfriends not to stare, and what makes the feeling even better its the sluts from school trying to get their fella s eyes off of me, even Eva is sending daggers, oh I am going to have fun with that bitch tonight. I can hear the warriors and Jake whisper " that's the seducer " to the others, making Eva turn a nasty shade of red. I smirk in her direction and give the guys a little wave, I start walking towards the club doors, and the bouncers eyes are glued to my legs, as I get closer his eyes finally found my face, I give him a full smile, and I can hear his heart rate pick up, as he moves the barriers, to let me walk through without question, I can hear a few curses from the girls, I laugh to myself as I walk in, take my jacket off and hand it to the woman in the cloak room, and take my ticket.

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