Trent POV Plans never work out the way you want

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Chapter 14

Trent POV

I stood there in the same spot she left me, I don't think it has truely sunk in what she said, she doesn't want a mate, especially not an Alpha, I don't care what she thinks about Alphas, I'm going to prove her wrong, I want her and I no she will want me too. Eva the slut Luna from the Half Moon Pack and her even sluttier friend came walking towards me

" Do you know how to win over girls like the Seducer, you have to make them jealous so she can realise others want you" Eva said

"What makes you think that would work" I asked Eva when I turned to face her.

" She is like all girls, we don't realise what we have til someone else has what's ours, trust me it will work" Eva said.

"Ok, what have you got in mind" I asked

" Oh I have the perfect plan, my bestie Casey, will act like your girlfriend, you just have to ignore her when you see her, act like she is not even around" she said.

"Ok, but I don't want you kissing me or anything else for that matter, your just for show that's it" I said coldly.

I went home after Eva and Casey went over the plan, I don't know why I even agreed to it, I just want my mate, to want me. I got food and crawled into bed, all I could think about was my mates beautiful amber eyes, her perfect full lips, her dark red wavy hair with a body women would kill for. I knew I wanted her more than anything in this world, even if it was just to hold her forever, I just wanted her in my arms.  

It drove me mad all night not knowing her proper name, I don't want to call her the Seducer, it doesn't feel right. I tried to sleep that night, but my wolf was calling out for his mate, he wanted us to go find her, walk the streets for hours if that's what it took, but I knew it wouldn't get me anywhere, by the time the morning came, I was shattered, but I dragged myself out of bed hoping a shower would wake me up. 

After I was done, I done my hair and dressed myself in dark jeans, black t shirt and combat boots and headed to my white Audi 6, I turned into the car park and pulled up beside the guys. I got out and stood with them while they chatted, I didn't join in their conversation, I just leaned back on my car picturing my perfect mate and what it would have been like if she accepted me straight away. 

I could hear a sports car coming in the school gate, I glanced up when I heard the guys "uh" and "awe" at the car. I have to say it was every guys dream car. I looked around to see everyone look at the car, must be new too I thought, I look over at Jake to see if he knew the person, Eva and Casey smirked and winked at me, that was weird, I thought to myself. 

I looked back at the car in time to see my gorgeous mate step out of the car. She was even more beautiful than I remembered, she looked perfect in her navy jeans, blue and white tank top and a blazer with a pair of blue heels, that made her legs look like they go on for miles. Every guy in the place was eye raping her, and all the girls given daggers. She walked towards the door, when she must of heard something she didn't like, because her eyes glowed a darker red, but she started walking again, and all the guys gave her wolf whistles and I couldnt stop the growl that escaped my lips, she is mine and know one else's.  

I saw Eva and Casey, walk after my mate with a smirk on their lips. I walked in a short while after them. I could hear an argument going on the more I walked towards the lockers. Eva and Casey were standing in front of my mate blocking her, my beta and third in command had to hold me back when I saw she was trying to crush my mates wrist. But it didn't seem to bother her, I couldn't hear much of what they were saying, but I heard Jake telling her to let my mate go, we all know the punishments for touching a council member, but obviously she has no brains because she didn't let her go, but I heard her say my mates name is Athena, it suits her, she looks like a goddess, she should have the name of one.  

I saw Eva swing her hand to hit my mate, but the guys grip on me got tighter, I looked at them, in time to see Athena kick Eva into the stomach and sent her flying, I watched my mate walk toward Eva and put her foot on Eva neck warning her. I couldnt hear much of what was said with all the cheering going on for a fight. But what I do know is my mate is fiery and sexy mixed perfectly together. She walked passed me, never once looking at me. I don't know if she doesn't care about me or if the two sluts said something about me to piss her off and make her jealous, I don't want her to be pissed off with me, I thought, I dunno what I thought when I agreed with the girls, I just want Athena. 

I watched her walk into the canteen, with her head held high, Casey what sitting beside me, but the way she was sitting she might has well been on my lap, I turned to talk to the guys when I felt Casey run her hands through my hair, I held myself from letting a shiver of disgust run through my body. I knew I was letting. these girls get a one up on my mate, I felt horrible, like a betrayed her. I looked over to where she was sitting, she looked angry but lonely and hurt all at one. I couldnt take my eyes off of her, she looked down at her hands, stood up at started walking towards the lockers, I followed her out a few minutes later, she was no where to be seen, so I looked outside and saw her walking to her car, I have to stop this, its gone to far, so I called out her name, but she didn't even look back.  

I got into my car and followed her, to make sure she is ok, it took some skills to keep up to her driving, you know she is use to driving at top speed. I saw her car pull into a gate way, so I pulled over into an empty gateway a little behind her, I know I am acting like a stalker, but I was not given up a chance to find out where she lives, I went into the cover of trees as she closed her door behind her, only to run out the back door in training gear, I couldnt get close to seeing what she is doing, the trees were too thin to hide.  

I watched her walk back towards the house, only to stop and look around, has she sensed me, I stood as still as I could and tried not to make any noises, after a few minutes, she started to walk again, but you could see she was alert and ready for an attack. I watched her til she fell asleep, she looks like an Angel when she is asleep ,wrapped up in her blankets, I am going to do anything and everything I can to win her heart and make her mine.

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