My little goddess

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Chapter 27

I have been waiting for this day all my life, I will finally get to kill the monsters that took my parents from me. I know there is a possibility I could die, if I do, I'm taken them with me, I will not give up til everyone of them are dead. I'm standing in my room, looking over the plans for coven, Trent went back to his pack early this morning to make sure all the werewolves will be far enough away from the coven, so he has called a pack meeting, telling them they all had to come a few minutes before we move into position. We need our pack to be safe.

            I felt the energy shift in the room, as a smile appeared on my face, as I turned around to see Ares and Aphrodite appear in front of me, and before I could blink I was crushed in their arms.

"I am so glad to see you safe daughter, we have been so worried and so proud at the same time for what you have done and achieved over the last month" Aphrodite said.

"There is no need to worry, Im safe, this is the last one left, I will finally come face to face with my parents killers, and get our revenge, once and for all" I said.

"I hope it is that straight forward, Athena, for all of us, you are going up against the strongest of them all, their leaders so to speak, you need to be careful , Apollo has seen two out comes for your future, he will only give us a little information on both, he can't intervene in what's to come. All we know is that one will be what you have wanted, your revenge and then the love of your mate and your children,  the second is the one we are scared of, it will be filled with loss, hardship and betrayal, I wish we could tell you more but it will change the course of your destiny, for what is to come, we are not allowed to interfer. Just remember that we will alway be here for you," Ares said.

I tried to take in what they said, but I focused on the path that I want, revenge for my parents, and hopefully live a happy life with my mate, If I focus on that path, I can't afford to think of the other path, I want my happy ever after too.

"we have a gift from all the gods for you Athena, they have all been watching over you, making sure you are safe" Aphrodite said, while handing me a red velvet pouch with a string at the top. 

"will you thank the gods for me, try not to worry about the other path, I will always fight for the first one, the one I hope for" I said smiling at them

I opened the pouch and pulled out a beautiful necklace, the chain was white gold, it has the most unusual stone attached to it, the stone is the size of my little finger, at first it looks like a translucent stone til I placed it in my hand and saw different colours swirl in it, it is amazingly beautiful, its looks delicate but feel like it has already stood the test of time.

"Come, Athena, I will put it on for you" Aphrodite said as she beckoned me towards her.

I handed the chain to her and turned around, pulling my hair out of the way, I felt the stone slightly heat up when it made contact with my skin.

"This is a very special stone Athena, when it touches your skin, it hold all your memory s and dreams, so you never forget them, it also hold a small amount of the gods powers to help protect you when needed, all you need to do is hold it in your hand and think of a memory, it will become crystal clear in your mind, like your living it again, your body will feel as if your in the place your memory has come from, if you need to use the power inside, picture the colours in your mind combine and it will flow through your hands, hold it dear to your heart Athena, it was once your mothers a gift from the gods to her, they looked after it til the time came for it to be passed down to you, some of her memories still linger in the stone" Aphrodite said with a smile on her face.

                                                 I smiled at the tought of my mother owning it before me and holding some of her precious memories, are they of me or my father?

Just as I thought it, my surroundings changed, I looked around and found I was in my old home, the place I lived with my parents. I walked around taking everything in, I could swear I smelt my mothers perfume in the air,  I inhaled taking in the scent that made my heart ache for all the memories I could of had, the childhood I dreamed of where I grew up with both my parents surrounding me in love and safety that parent's bring. I could hear voices coming from the lounge room, I started walking towards them, the voices I have so nearly forgotten, my parents voices. My heart thumped wildly the closer I got, til I stood at the door, my body froze in place, in front of me was my parent cradling a tiny baby that was me. I watched as they both stared at the baby me in awe, gently taking my tiny hand in theirs and kissing each tiny finger, I felt the tears escape and fall down my face, I heard my father say, " I love you so much already, my little goddess, you are as beautiful as your mother already, I promise to protect you with my life, you and your mother are my world now" he said as he kissed my forehead. My mother said " you are both our worlds, we love you so much, Athena.

Just as quickly as it happened, it ended and I was once again standing in front of Ares and Aphrodite. I could still feel my face damp from tear, Ares placed his hand gently on my face and carefully wiped away my tears.

"It is amazing what it can do Athena, once it is on only another god can remove it, we must go but remember we are always here for you, we love you just as much as your parents did, be careful Athena" Aphrodite said before they both disappeared from my sight.

I looked at the stone, finally feeling like I will always have something with me to make sure I never forget any detail of them again.

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