Chapter 16: Friends (Part 1)

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"Lord Krembar, welcome to Wisimir."

Urin had arrived on the steps just as the first party of guests reached the Residency. He knelt as protocol demanded, keeping his eyes low.

"Get up man," said a hearty voice in response, "can't have you getting those robes all dirty."

Urin stood and found his right hand crushed in the strong grip of a bearded man of forty years or more who'd leapt down from his horse. He looked into eyes full of laughter and fierce passion. "You must be Urin, Ellian's assistant?"

"The City Minister," Urin corrected, but smiled easily. Krembar's good humour was disarming. "We've been expecting you and your company."

Ten mounted and armoured guardsmen wearing the livery of House Krembar remained mounted in the courtyard front of the steps. They had come a long way from the south near Eledar. The blue and gold eagle had rarely been seen in Wisimir, but it certainly made an impression.

"Where is my host?" Krembar said, eying the doors of the residence. "Unlike her to be tardy."

"The Lady Governor awaits you within the residence Lord Krembar." Urin bowed again. "If you will follow me, we have prepared quarters for your men in the city." He nodded to one of the other attendants who also bowed and walked forward to the escorts.

"Wilem, with me," Krembar ordered and a second man leapt down from his horse, handing its reins along with Krembar's to one of the other soldiers. He was younger than his Lord, clean shaven, and stared at Urin strangely. Urin nodded and then ignored him.

"We're ready," Krembar said. "Show me to your Lady."

They went back through the doors, the Residency staff lined the walls inside each bowing to the visiting noble who smiled and shook hands, exchanging pleasantries where he could and simple greetings where he could not. Krembar it seemed was a man who exuded charisma and Urin understood why Lady Tarn hadn't wanted to meet him here in person. No comparison, he thought.

Eventually they were done, and went through into the inner portions of the residence, heading for the Governor's formal rooms, where she greeted them dressed in her formal robes and with a wide smile of her own.

"Theynain, a pleasure."

"No Lady Tarn the pleasure is mine."

It was Lord Krembar's turn to bow. Though a powerful man, the city lords and ladies outranked those who only claimed dominion over their family estates, Krembar was close to the royal court and the knightly orders, but he was still of lesser rank than the Governor of Wisimir.

"How was your journey?"

"Long and tiresome, but better for its arrival." Krembar laughed and took her outstretched hand. "The last time my family visited Wisimir we were both still in small clothes."

"And as I recall from my father's stories, they chose not to bring you," she replied.

"No indeed."

"Then a tour and time in the city will be a new experience. Something we must ensure goes well."

"I don't doubt it will."

Urin was beginning to feel out of place, when there was a soft knock at the door. He went over and opened it. Nieril stood in the hallway.

"What is it?" Tarn asked.

"Pressing business for the Minister, my lady," Nieril replied in a voice that barely carried.

Urin turned to the Governor "With your permission?" she nodded and he moved into the corridor with Nieril, closing the door firmly behind him.

"What is it?"

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