Chapter 18: Confrontation (part 1)

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Jarno left the Minister's office at speed, looking straight ahead.

"Watchman, I'm afraid I can't let you take—"

"No time!" he snapped waiving the writ Nieril's face, "orders of the Lady Governor!"

Long strides took him back to the lobby and far away from her. He pushed his way straight through a gathering crowd of functionaries and officials, waiting to travel with the Lady Governor to the Kingsmen's Tourney. No sign of Urin amongst them; good.

Once he got outside, he broke into a run. The box rattled as he jogged through the streets. Thankfully, as he got further away from the residence, the streets grew quieter. The Annual was a popular event, commemorating the end of the war. The duel between the Kingsmen's best always drew crowds. The majority of people would be making for the barracks and the stalls that always sprang up around its walls to take wagers. The wealthy would head inside and take seats to watch the final. Most years, he'd considered the event a nuisance; an ideal time for light fingers to prey upon the people in the streets. But today, it was an opportunity. The Magistry in the eastern quarter was well away from the barracks and the Governor's residence. That part of the city would be deserted.


He ran past the Bell and Horse, right by the alleyway where they'd found the broken body of Orri Garner and back onto the main street. The sandy cobbles nipped at his feet, no proper rain for weeks now, it'd better start soon.

The Magistry spire stared down at him as he neared the gates. Another corner and he caught sight of the Silver Bell in the distance, just across the street from the gatehouse.

A crowd stood on the corner outside, numbering around twenty. Some carried short sticks, others an assortment of farming implements. On any other day, Jarno would have blown a whistle, summoning other Watchmen and driven them off, but today, he was pleased to see them. Now we're in business, he thought.

Jarno had no idea what might be waiting inside the Magistry gates, but with a mob, he had more of a chance of finding what he wanted.

As he got closer, he recognised Evisan and Grett standing to one side next to a cart with four horses strapped to it. When they saw him Grett waved.

"Took your time."

"Had to be sure first," Jarno replied. "He tell you the plan?"

Grett's pudgy face creased. "That you want to march into the wizard's bedchamber? Yeah he told me. What's in it for us?"

"Lynchpin gets to be right," Jarno said, "and you might get rid of the Magister."

Grett didn't look convinced. "Most of the folk here don't care much about being right or wrong."

Jarno sighed. "Then why are you here? You wouldn't have come if you didn't see a margin. What is it you and your people want?"

"Free rein," Grett replied. "We get you in then get to take whatever we want."

Jarno shook his head. "I can't let you do that."

Grett spat. "We're not going to ruin the place, the Lynchpin knows better than to go poking around a wizard's rathole. I've a list of what he wants."

"What's on it?"

"Better you don't know, like I said, free rein."

Jarno sighed. "What choice do I have?"

"As I see it, none," Grett replied and favoured him with a gap toothed smile. "You won't get through those gates without us."

Jarno looked at the people Grett had brought; a real mix of sour and slovenly, most of them, unwashed and grimy. He judged they were dockworkers and had been pulled straight from the harbour-side. "All right," he said at last. "I'll turn a blind eye, but keep it to the list."

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