Chapter 16: Friends (Part 2)

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Watchman Jarno,

I write this letter to you knowing I must be strong in the face of your questions. I must resist and dissemble, withholding information wherever I can.

I do this because I am in fear of my life.

The hierarchy of wizards is forged by blood. Their magical talent a gift from ages long past. Those who become the most powerful guard their abilities carefully, but in all things they must find suitable apprentices who can assist them. To protect themselves from these apprentices, the most powerful wizards make use of a geas. This is a spell designed to compel service from the apprentice, on pain of punishment, torture, or even death.

The terms of a geas are often such that the enunciation of words, written or spoken that break its rules can cause pain and suffering.

You saw the wound upon my wrist. I leave you to draw your own conclusions.

I ask that you speak with Nieril my assistant. Mention to her that I told you about the research and that you know she has the key.

Urin Ednel Braymes – Aide to Governor Tarn, Minister of Wisimir.

"That poor bastard."

Jarno leaned back in his chair and crumpled the parchment. He took out a flint and steel, lighting the candle on the table, then set the letter alight, watching it burn.

"Why, what'd he do?" Evisan asked.

"Got himself into an ogre's choice," Jarno replied. "Still, he was right. I should have read the letter before I pushed him."

Evisan shrugged. "So what's our next move?"

They were sat in the Bell and Horse common room, deserted during the day. Jarno had hoped a return to the scene might help them, or at least with a few days distance, loosen the tongue of the proprietor, but it seemed Brejyt had left the city on business. Instead an old grey beard stood at the counter wiping glasses. Of course, the missing money was now, just the start of the mess.

"We're going to need help," he decided.

"You goin' t'call in the rest of the Watch then?" Evisan asked.

"If I did, I'd need more than rumours and half truths," Jarno said, thinking hard. "Trouble is, I need to find where that proof is."

"What about the Magistry?" Evisan suggested.

"What? Break in there whilst Leel and his people are all at the Annual?" Jarno laughed. "It'd take more than just you and me to manage that." He mulled the idea over. "A better bet would be to get back into Urin's office and find that money. We might also get something out of his scribe."

Evisan shrugged. "Still need me along?"

"Probably not, but I've something else I need."

"What's that?"

"To break into the Magistry, like you said," Jarno replied, "If I find the money in the Minister's office and with the Lynchpin's help."

"Yeah, he could do it," Evisan said.

Jarno weighed up the idea. "Were you there when the courthouse was attacked?"

Evisan's thin face pinched with suspicion. "Does it mean anything if I was?"

Jarno smiled. "Not if you think I'm going to arrest you. What I need to know is how quick that was organised, and do you think we could do the same at the Magistry?"

Evisan bit his lip, but then nodded. "Should be possible."

"How long would it take to gather them up?"

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