3: Hello, Joker

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You know those movies where a car is tailing another car, and they're going so fast that the buildings and streetlamps they pass are mere blurs? That's how it was for me. I was weaving through traffic, tailing the purple van that seemed to realize I was tailing them. The Joker popped out so far from the passenger window I could see his green hair flying in the wind as he tried to make out who I was. Of course, he didn't recognize me, and got back inside the van.

All of a sudden, the van screeched to a halt, and I, too, had to slam on the breaks just to avoid rear ending them with my new, beautiful car.

I got out of my car and took out the gun that was in the glove box. A Glock G43. I smirked and slowly approached the green-haired, white-faced man with a red grin and black, threatening eyes. The man who was also slowly approaching me with a weapon.

He caught sight of me and snickered. He looked confused as to who I was, and why I was there. "Well well well, who are you? And. . .Ah. . Why are you following us, huh?" He was lazily holding a knife in his left hand, but made no signal as to whether or not he'd actually use it on me.

"Just wanted to welcome you to my city," I spoke, placing my hands on my hips, tilting slightly to the left as I batted my eyelashes at him. "that's all."  

Joker looked confused for a moment, pursing his lips together, his eyes squinting slightly. He changed his stance, feet shuffling an inch. "Excuse me, sweet cheeks?" He rolled the wrist that held a knife. 

"Well, since this will soon be my city. . . My turf, you know. Might as well keep the peace." I folded my arms.

Joker started to walk towards me slowly, he looked as if he was getting ready to strike, but I held my gun up straight at him. I didn't want to reveal my powers just yet. He snickered.

"You never answered my first question. Who are you, doll?" he snickered louder now. "And now for another question. Who the hell do you think you're messing with?"

"Don't know who I am? Pity. Well, I know exactly who you are. You're The Joker. And I'm Khaos. From Vineopolis. See, before today, I had a home. I had a throne. But I have been removed from that rightful position, so it just seems right to overthrow someone now. I kinda deserve to, eh?" I spoke, walking up to Joker, fixing his coat. He watched me carefully.

He snickered. "The famous Khaos. I don't think you're as notorious as I am, honey."

I stepped forward. He slightly tensed at this, he was on full alert now. I bit my lip as I examined his purple suit, the green vest, the purple tie. He was pretty dreamy.

"Oh, I know that'll change soon, though." I patted his chest. "Sucks, you are kind of charming," I spoke, winking. I slowly turned around and headed back to my car, knowing damn well he wouldn't approach or attack me. At least not yet. "I'll see you around."

I drove around the city looking for an abandoned warehouse or factory. Lucky for me, Gotham had a shit-ton of them. A whole section of Gotham was abandoned, so I just picked the one that seemed to suit me the most. It used to be a toy factory, and it was in pretty good condition for its age. It looked pretty damn old but it was really sturdy.

I started to set up operations, then called the last known henchmen ready for work. These people were ones I had been intending to hire anyways. Before Red Jaguar kicked me out of my own city. These people would be hired immediately if they were willing to make the commute out to Gotham City, and ten out of ten said yes. 

I had Bunny, the henchmen I trusted the most. She was a pink haired girl with big, blue eyes. She had a baby face, but she was twenty-five. It made her look seventeen. She was very intelligent and a pro-hacker, she could get through any firewall and security on the planet.

I also had Ted and Ned, twins with blonde hair and green eyes, the only way I could differentiate one from the other was because Ted had a big scar running down from the left side of his forehead to the left corner of his mouth. They were both heavily skilled with weaponry. 

Then there was A, she was a short-haired brunette with green eyes, and her brother, B. B was also a brunette, but he had blue eyes. They were both really strong, but A seemed to be a little stronger. They had a half brother, C, who looked like the oddball out with black hair and brown eyes. He was a foot shorter than his siblings, and looked ten years younger, but they were not too far apart in age.

D, E, and F were different story. D was a large man with muscular arms who terrified anyone who came in contact with him, along with E, his boyfriend, a man with equal muscular strength and enough force to kill anyone with a simple punch. F was a smaller man, with less muscles than D and E, but he was swift because of that fact. 

The last new henchmen was named Flower. She always wore flowers in her long, orange hair, she also had big, brown eyes and she was a very keen driver. She would be my designated getaway. She never hesitated on decisions, she just did what she thought best. 

Not bad for a new startup.

I started to also do some research on the Villains of Gotham. There were plenty. I'd have to cross a ton of people to reach the top. Something I didn't mind doing. I was kind of excited to cause a ruckus, actually.

I also found that Batman was very, very active in this city, since he did live here. A few years back, he was just starting up, but I guess he had really reached his prime now since the crime rate was significantly lower than when he first started.

So I'd have a big bat, and a dozen maniacs to cross. Heh. I actually killed the ten maniacs in my old city. And the vigilante.

Piece of cake.

I walked to the half-shattered window of my office and looked out among the wasteland, the dirty buildings that surrounded and the trash that littered the streets. The occasional homeless person would catch sight of me, but of course would go back to whatever the fuck they were doing. Homeless people were usually very kind to criminals or domineering people like me. They knew damn well not to report a suspicious person in an abandoned warehouse. They didn't like the system, either.

I took my phone out to see my guy had gotten all of my shit shipped to my new house. The family living there now wouldn't dare sift through it. They wouldn't want to cross the new owner who gave them way more than they deserved.

I sighed and sat down on the creaky, dusty chair at the dusty, crappy desk. I'm pretty sure I woke up a spider by doing so, but I didn't really care. Spiders were just like me. Unwanted, unloved creatures hiding from death, yet sucking the life out of the creatures who dare cross them.

This was my new home.

I was going to climb my way up the ladder, but this time, no one could ever take me down.

I could die here, or I could thrive here. I was going to start from square one, become the person I was before, but better. This was my time to become the best Villain that ever existed, and make the citizens of Gotham cower, and obey me.

This would be my city. 

I closed my eyes, breathing in the scent of old papers, aged wood and dust.

Damn, did this feel right.

Agents of Khaos (A Joker Story [REVISED])Where stories live. Discover now