5: Dinner Plans

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$300,000. That's how much my crew got from Joker.

Not bad, not bad.

With that money, I got armor for my crew, along with a computer for my office and useful technology for future heists and such.

I was currently sitting at my desk when I heard a knock at the door. I sighed, removing myself from my computer. I rolled back in my office chair, leaning back. My back was sore from sitting down at this damn desk all day. "Yeah?"

Equis came in and placed a small piece of paper on my desk. "Found this outside the warehouse."

I picked it up to find it was a card. A Joker card.

There was a message on the back of the card. "Meet me at Gilliano's. Six o'clock. Wear something nice."

I hesitated for a moment before getting up from my desk. "I'll be out tonight." I murmured to Equis before heading to my car. I drove home after making sure I wasn't tailed and that I didn't have any sort of tracking device in my car. I parked in my garage and headed inside of my home, going straight to my closet to find my lovely red dress that fell down to my knees along with my red pumps. It was a bit too sexy for this occasion, but is it so wrong to look a little sexy?

I walked into my bathroom and started to give myself a makeover. I was going to straighten my hair, and apply smoky eye makeup along with a nice, sexy red lipstick, because, why not? 


When 5:30 rolled around, I got into my car and drove to Gilliano's, finding that the curtains were closed, but light pooled from the bottom of the door. When I approached, the door flung open revealing henchmen following the staff of the restaurant. A single table was set in the middle of the room, a big, fake daisy in a vase on top of a nice, white table cloth. Joker was sitting in one of the two chairs in freshly applied clown paint in a suit clean of blood or dirt. He raised his eyebrow once he saw me.

"Well well well, doll. You clean up nicely."

"I could say the same for you," I spoke, sitting across from him. "Italian. Nice. Also not too hard to find. Easy GPS instructions."

"Found the closest Italian restaurant to your home," Joker said casually, taking a swig of water.

I folded my arms. "So you know where I live."

"Ember Sommers. Yup."

I smirked. He didn't know my real name. "So why haven't you killed me yet, then?"

Joker eyed me for a moment before eyeing the appetizer that a server had brought, the server was trembling so bad he nearly spilled the plate all over the table.

It looked like all the henchmen were making sure no one else came in here, and that the cops weren't alerted until after we were gone and finished with our lovely dinner.

"Your internet history."

I turned beet red. "Say all you want, but a girl's got needs too."

Joker raised an eyebrow, snickering. "Unless you do that to the news articles you find of me, that's not what I'm referring to, dolly. You've been, ah, doing research on me. You really do have a crush on me."

I took a toothpick and stabbed a shrimp with it, taking a bite. "Told you."

Joker also took a piece of shrimp, chewing it over-enthusiastically. He started to speak while he ate. "Thought I might as well take you out on a date. You know, before I kill you."

"Keep talking like that and you'll be getting lucky tonight," I spoke. "So what happens after these guys leave? All of Gotham City will think you have a girlfriend. A Bonnie for Clyde. What happens then?"

"We take over Gotham City," he mused. "What're you ordering?"

"Spaghetti and meatballs. You?"

"Chicken parm." He snapped his fingers, waiters scrambled to input the order.

"What makes you think I'll say yes to you?" I questioned.

"I'll help you take down Red Jaguar."

I tensed up, shifting in my seat. "What if I don't need your help?" My pride of course prevented me from agreeing, even though I would benefit greatly from receiving help from him. He was probably the most notorious criminal I had ever heard of, someone who would have never gotten into a bind like I did. 

I felt completely unprofessional and weak whenever that 'incident' came up. I couldn't help but be defensive. 

I could tell by the spark in his eye that he called my bluff as soon as I had finished my sentence. He spoke. "I can tell when you lie to me, Sommers. I don't really like liars," he growled lowly, stabbing a shrimp with his toothpick.

I smirked, my foot sliding over to his, then ran it up his leg. He shifted in his seat, obviously not expecting this act of lust and affection. He grinned at me. "Oh, doll. You're making it hard for me to concentrate on the conversation."

"Whoopsie," I lightly chimed, my hand sliding over across the table. "What's in it for you?"

His hand slid closer to mine. "Whatdya think?"

"My, my. The Joker, taking a lover? Preposterous."

He snickered. "Well, when a girl blows up your warehouse by almost seducing you, you gain curiosity." He snickered. He pointed at the daisy in the center of the table. "Peace offering."

I examined it curiously. "Acid flower?"

He snickered. "It's a hoot. Especially when people don't expect it."

"I think there's another way to seal the deal. . ." I spoke, leaning forward in my seat. He started to lean forward as well, but I pulled an inch away last minute. His eyes focused on my lips for a moment before he looked back into my eyes. "And it will happen after dinner." I pulled myself back, leaning back in my seat while watching his lustful eyes examine me.

"You. . . Drive me. . .Crazy. Crazy! So. . . So . . .Cah-razyy. . ." he breathed in a husky tone.

The waiter approached us with our plates of food. This time, he was a little less shaky, and was able to successfully place our plates on the table without risking a spill. I nodded at him, picking up a fork and digging into my spaghetti after sprinkling parmesan cheese on it.

Joker fell silent as he started to eat, but I could tell his mind was on something else. I did my best to eat my food without scarfing it down too quickly, I did not want to seem too eager, even though I was. I was so ready to leave this joint with Joker.

Joker seemed to think the same thing, because halfway through his meal, he abruptly stopped to pull himself away in order to turn to the waiter, who flinched when he realized The Joker had focused his attention on him. "To-go boxes for both of us."

The waiter quickly scrambled to fetch them as Joker turned to look at me, his eyes hungry for something other than the chicken parmesan he ordered.

"What do you want to do now?" Joker questioned.

"Do you have an RPG?" I questioned. This seemed to throw him off. This whole time, he had his mind in the gutter, and I couldn't lie, I did, too. But right then, I had the urge to destroy things, I had the urge to create chaos. 

"I have five," He responded. He let out a cackle as he saw my eyes widen in excitement. We watched as the waiter put our food in the boxes, and then into the plastic bag he also brought over.

I squealed in excitement, clapping my hands. "Let's go wreak havoc. Good foreplay."

Joker winked, standing up and handing the boxed leftovers to his henchmen. He instructed them to take it home for us.

Agents of Khaos (A Joker Story [REVISED])Where stories live. Discover now