fall of dimond

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in the alphas throne room a battle between four wofls. but who will walk out alive?
Silence fell between them four as they all growl and glare at each other. Night still stands infront of scar
blasting power. Night: as long as i stand scar will not be taken from me... never by you,
night stand firmly as she gives an evil glare at dimond and mist. Dimond: i guess i am going to
have to bring you down, well i was planning to anyways. hahah. dimond smirks then growls and charges
to Night, dimond: grrr!! dimond extends her claws and opens her mouth ready to bite then,
Night roars and A blast of red flames makes her jump into the air and tackle dimond digging into her
chest as she was expecting to do. Scar stands then looks at mist, his eyes glow blue and he extends his claws
and growls. Mist: oh no. mist gets scared and tries to run off but scar jumps onto her back clawing her deeply
with his claws burning her with the blue flame. Scar: your time is up mist... just then scar bites mist's neck deeply
and kills her, then throwing her to the rough wall. Night: Grrr i am enjoying seeing you suffer...
Dimond gets her chest torn and burnt up by the red flames in her claws. Dimond struggles to talk as the pain
over throws her. Dimond: s-stupid wo-lf... Night: I WILL NOT LET YOU GET THROUGH THIS!!!
AND I WILL NOT LET YOU LAY ONE CLAW ON SCAR! night sheads tears for the death she has seen from her clan members Dimond: he-h s-ure. Dimond throws Night off.
She is throne near scar. Scar: Night?! ooh dimond you sure will pay! Night gets up and blood drips down.
Night: i'm fine, Scar charges to dimond and tackles her and claws her repeatedly. just when Night was going to
join scar. Stab* a guard that ran away when scar and night fought them stabbed scar in the back. and the guard
looked like a coward for he was, Scar gasp despreately then falls off dimond and lays bleeding as he falls he says...
Scar: N-night... i l-love yo- before scar could finish his line he has landed on the ground dead... Night stands frozen
her eyes twicth, and her tears drip down her ears drop...
Dimond: Nice work guard, now BE GONE WITH YOU! the guard cowardly runs away to dimonds
command. Dimond: oh night, look at you lover... lying dead with a dagger in his back, aww,
dimond licks some of scars blood and dose an evil smirk and chuckle... Night: s-scar! no, NO, NO!!! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
GET AWAY FROM HIM!!! she trembels

 Night: s-scar! no, NO, NO!!! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!GET AWAY FROM HIM!!! she trembels

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Night is in tears, the tears wouldnt stop... they continued... Dimond: see, now i can simply drag him
into a cage. haha, Night dips her dead down as the tears drip to the ground. Night: you shouldn't have
said that. you dont know who your messing with. GRRRRAAAHH!!!!!! just then a blast of red and black burst from
the ground and out of her eyes her wings black her eyes red and black. horns appeared on her head almost like
a demon wolf... Dimond gasp and drops her hears, Night: HOW DARE YOU!!!! I WILL DESTROY YOU!!! YOU WILL PAY FOR TAKING SOMEONE PRESIOUS FROM ME RIGHT BEFORE MY EYES!!!!! UUUUUGH!!!!! Night stomps her paws and a blast of shadowy red travels in the ground and burst up under dimond damaging her stomach. Night:

Dimond: uugh,  dimond struggles to gets up but falls, She says to herself "shuch power the demon wolf satan soul"night walks up to dimond and looks down at her with and evil face

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Dimond: uugh,  dimond struggles to gets up but falls, She says to herself "shuch power the demon wolf satan soul"
night walks up to dimond and looks down at her with and evil face. Dimond: pitty on you, grrr you dont scare me...
Night: sure... i will not stop untill you are dead i will AVENGE MY LOVERS DEATH!!! nights large blood red claws
come out and extend with small very sharp razor claws and dig into dimons face gaging into her bones and lifts her up. night whispers: you, will, pay... GRRRAH Night slams dimond
down and runs to where she was thrown and bites her chest and tears her flesh. Dimond lays there dead... she breaths
heavily and steps back and looks around the room seeing three wolfs dead espeacially Her mate scar...
Night cries and turns normal as what scar turned normal when he fell... Then flashes of that very moment came to
night she runs to scar and sits next to him crying... Night: YOU HAVE HELP ME WHEN I WAS HURT, BUT
WHY CAN'T I HELP YOU NOW! i'm sorry scar! *cries* I'M SORRY! night falls onto Scar and holds him in her
paws. Scars body was cold, and lifeless... Night: at least it was the fall of dimond...

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