back to normal...

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They laid there in each others arms not letting go, Nights wings where still present, and Scar's
wounds, cuts, and scars faded away and so did the pain, but Night is still feeling the pain of
healing scar, cause the sacrifice is a part of their soul, the pain is unberable, as at the moment
Night was unable to move or speak properly, but Scar was glad to at least see signs that see was
alive. But meanwhile outside everyone started to either resurect, come out of their hiding places,
or run back to spirit pack territory, And astral lights sparkled around outside of the great power
that has been in the spirit pack family for centuries. But inside the throne saddness and slight
hope still roamed... Scar: oh night... i cant thank you enough, Scar says in a loveing tone,
Nights tail twitches while her whole body trembels. Scar looks at nights sleeping face and
tries to get her on her feet. Nights legs wobble a bit but she eventually gets up and scar puts
her on his back, Scar walks out of the throne room to the happy and glimmering outside.
everyone turned thier heads to the sound of scar coming out and they see night fainted
on Scars back and they all run to her. Wolf: oh my! is she ok?! Wolf2: ya she dosent look like
she is moving!! Wolf3: She is breathing she is not dead but what will the alphas do about this?!
Just then Scar growls loudly demanding slience as the crowd still mumbles. Scar: we just need
to get her to the healers den. then the crowd became slient and split in to making a path but not
for scar and night for the alphas... To shadows approch scar and night as the wolfs bow in their
presence. The male alpha spoke in a deep tone. darkstar: what happen to her! he dose a seriouse face
growling at Scar blaming him. then a gentle voive came to calm him starlight: calm, down i felt her power
she sacrificed part of her own soul to save all of us, she brang us all back alive and dead... the crowd
starts to mubble in the words of the female alpha. Darkstar sighs. Scar: let me explain... please so
at least you two can understand what happened...
time passed and Scar has explained to the pack what all happened from the start with allot of detail.
Starlight: is see, *she smiles* i am pround on night for not giving up on us... on our pack...
Darkstar: yes, but i see scar you yourself died aswell, Scar: yes, i was so busy on trying to get diamond
that some cowardly guard got me from behind... *he sighs* Darkstar: but you survived long enough to
help my daughter defeat that wretched diamond, because the cause of your death made her grow stronger.
just then slience fell over. And the two alphas went up to Scar with night on her back and patted Nights
motionless head, and the female alpha broke the sudden silence Starlight: we need to get my dear night into
the healers den so she can regenerate, then a wolf came from the crowd and spoke. Flower: i'll take her i am
the healer, Scar: oh, flower thats right, Flower: yes come now scar follow me to my healers den.
the crowd of wolfs made a path for flower and scar to walk through, Nights wings dragged on the floor as they
walked, Scar looked back and noticed, Scar: oh! and Darkstar went to scars side to hold one wing up
and starlight went to hold the other. Scar smiles at the alphas. he thinks
*Scar: i am just glad its back to normal...*

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