its gonna be ok,

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so much has happened, death, sorrow, love, and more to explain, but now Night gets a call with
a very important message, lets see what adventures this brings us,

meanwhile in spirit pack night is being brought too to healers den to revive from all the damage
she has taken this past day... Scar gently drags night into the room while flower gets her tools
and treatments ready for usage, Flower: good now gently place her on the bed of leafs so i can check
everything, Scar: alright, he places down night on the leafs as gently as possable, Flower: ok,
Flower checks out everything that might of hurt night, as Scar nervously watches...
time passed and Flower is done checking. Flower: she will live but she'll be asleep for a while,
Scar: Thank God, but how long is this "for a while" Flower: hmm? oh dont worry it'll be just
one full day than she'll be good as new... Scar: wow really, one day for a soul recovery,
Flower: well, thats not normally the time, but i did do some rescearh in some old books and found
this saying, "winged wolfs shall take only 24 hours of recovery of anykind of soul or spiritual damage" so if its true like it
should be, night will be okay, Scar: sigh* i hope so... *meanwhile in nights mind*
silence, in the mist and and quietness in her mind a trembeling shadow appears, and
walks weakly tward her... Night: whos that? she says in a low voice...
Night: hello are you there? The shadow got closer and closer and right when the body was completely visiable
it fell to the ground, blood washed out of the wolfs body, it was full of countless cuts and bone deep wounds
Night saw, that wolf was fimilar, Night shouted loudly Night: IVVVYYYYYY!!!! she ran tward ivy and looked at her
beaten up self, night noticed the white wing, was just blood, and bone... Then finally ivy speaks,
ivy: n-night... you m-must help me... t-the celestial world is coming appart, *coughs blood* the hellhounds broke into celestia and killed c-countless lives it was a massecare... p-please help my world and people d-deafeat the hellhounds...
Night: BUT IVY JUST ME?! I CANT TAKE ON MILLIONS OF HECK HOUNDS?! streams of tears rush down from nights face. Night: PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME!!! Ivy: Night, darling... their. is. always. a way....
and just by that ivy lost every single breath in her... as she lays dead her fur colors fade she was lossing her bold
black and white color, Night: IVY!!!!!!!!!! as night yells she is transported back to reality and sits up and her eyes turn red...
she narrows her eyes and she whispers alone in the healers room, Night: i will avenge ivy... and all i know is that
its gonna be ok,

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2016 ⏰

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