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A few moments after gray left scar stands growling with his eyes widened and covered in claw marks and bite marks
bleeding, seems to night he is frozen just standing there. Scar thinks of how foolish he was to actually accept
this pointless fight over the mate he already has had. Scar breaths heavily as he stands like a mindless wolf.
Night: Scar are you ok? night nudges him with her snout. Scar comes out of his thought zone and looks over
to Night, He sighs and smiles in relief Night smiles back. Scar: hehe, ya i am go i am just, so dumb to actually accept
that, Night: its ok, no need to worry your here with me now. Scar: your right, i am just glad i didn't lose you
to some perv like that. Night: heh even if he did win, NOT. i still would be by your side not his.
Scar: ya. Scar smiles happyly as he lifts his head up and wags his tail, and night dose the same they both smile
and laugh.Night hugs Scar tightly not caring that she is getting his blood on her from the wounds...
Scar: night, your getting my blood on you. Night: i don't care if i have your blood on me, aslong as its yours i'm
fine. Scar: hehe. Scar hugs Night back and they sit their hugging for half a minute. They finally let go and get up.
Scar: I think we gotta go, its getting dark. Night: ya this arena was hard to get to since it was pretty far, and you have wounds to. Scar: ya thats the problem, its getting dark and we are far. Night: we have to get there quick. Nighs eyes
widden and she has a idea. Scar: whats wrong? Night: nothing, talking about getting their quick. Night smiles at
scar and a light shines just then big beautiful angelic wings show. The light fades. Scar stops and gasp in Nights beauty
for a moment. then scar eventually snaps out of it and smiles. He lifts his head and the same thing happens
then he appears with angelic wings aswell. Night: now we will eventually get home. Scar: ya good idea night.
scar kisses her on the cheek. Night smiles and blushes. Scar: ok lets go! :D. They flap their wings making large
gusses of wind under them as they start to levitate starting to get up and out of the trees and into the night sky.
But by this it was completely dark and the sky was dark and filled with beautiful shining stars. And the moon
its large and yellow the moon filled the sky and it seemed Night and scar flew into it. Scar: this night sky is so beautiful.
Night: ya, hehe i have never seen the night sky so pretty. Scar: same, but theirs no place i'd rather be than with you.
Night smiles as she flaps her wings happly. Scar: hehe :D. They fly and they spin around each other in the night sky.
Night: i have never been so happy with someone before, besides my family your the one that i TRULY love.
Scar: ya, i knew you hated when gray blehh. kissed you i saw it in your, beautiful, blue eyes. Night smiles and so dose
Scar. Both: what a relief. they fly off into the distance slowly disappearing into the dark night sky...

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