Chapter 3: It's your fault.

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*Jon's P.O.V*

     I scream Gia's name frantically, but all I hear are girls yelling at me, and a single blood curdling scream. I know it's Gia. I start to tear up because I just got the date of my dreams, and now it's ruined. I push away from all the fans trying to find her. I find her shortly after I start crying. Girls are asking me whats wrong,and why I'm crying, but instead of replying, I scream, "GO AWAY. NO YOU'RE HURTING HER. WHATS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE." By now I'm bawling. I finally get a little space of a circle around me, and I pick up Gia's limp body, bridal style, get up and leave, hoping to pass by the rest of the  group on the way to the exit.

     There are people giving me concerned looks, and asking if I needed assistance. I refuse, and keep my head held high, even if I'm still crying. I unfortuantely don't find anyone, so I decide to call 911. That god Gia isn't loosing blood. I would be screwed.The ambulance come about 2 minutes later, we're all on the ambulance, and I'm holding her cold hand. In my head I pray she will be okay. I call Lauren, saying "common answer. Answer already.." She answers on the fourth ring, and all of a sudden I hear, 'WHERE HAVE YOU GUYS BEEN. We've been so worried, and we've been looking all over the place for you guys!" I sigh, "We're on our way to the hospital." I hear Lauren gasp, and shakily say, "Wh-what happened..?" I hear the concern in her voice, and try to say as calmly as possible, "My fans injured her.. By like.. Stepping, and kicking her." Lauren sniffles, and I can tell she's crying as well. "We'll be there as soon as possible." And with that, she hung up. I didn't notice that we were at the hospital until the doors were opening, and we were all exiting.


     We're both now in scrubs, but she is hung up to all these wires, and machines. It breaks my heart to see her in this condition. I subconsiously start singing Impossible by Shontelle.

All we had was gone now, tell them I was happy, and my heart's broken, all my scars are open, tell them what I hoped would be impossible, impossible, impossible, impossibe

     I honestly could not stop crying. Just imagining that she was gone, and I couldn't do a thing about it scared me. The doctor comes in, looking thorugh his clipboard, telling me some relieaving news."She's perfectly fine except a few broken bones. She might need to stay in a wheel-chair for quite a while though. Other than that, she is perfectly fine." I sigh with reliefe, and perfect timing, the guys come in. the doctor tells them the good news, and all of them seem to be glad, except for Lauren and Jaie. They looked horrid. Eyes red and puffy, hair messed up, and clothes in an  awkward position on thier bodies. I go over and hug them. They cry on both of my shoulders, andjust stay there.

*Troye's P.O.V*

     This is all Jon's fault. It is! I tug at his sleeve, and motion to another room with my head. He understants and lets go of the embrace he had made with Jaie and Lauren. He follows me over to the corner, and once he's up against the wall, I tell him what he needs to be told. "This was all your fault. It's your fault she's hurt, it's your fault we're here, it's all your fault Jon!" I poke his chest and make him sink into the wall. I should feel bad for this but I don't because it's true. He stole the one I love, and then hurt her. But when he does give me back a response, it wasn't what I was expecting. "Calm down bro! She's my girlfriend not yours. I'll solve this." I was so hurt. I gave her the rose, and the letter, but she accepted someone else. I walk back to everyone else without another word and just stare at her body. Maybe she deserves to be in this position.

*Jack's P.O.V*

     So apperantly, Gia got hurt... Well.. Okay..  But there's soemthing else that just is so different for me. The thing is that my brother is gay, and I have to trick Lauren that I'm Finn, and he's me.We've been keeping to ourselves so Lauren wouldn't get hurt. But she'll find out sooner, or later.. Well, it's about 10 at night and I need to get some rest. I sqeeeze Lauren's hand and gestures towards my watch. She gets it, and tells everyone that we got to go. Everyone else files in after us, and the only two left, are Jon, and Gia. We say our goodbyes, wish Gia luck, and part.

Paint Me A Song ~A Jon Cozart (Paint) Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now