Chapter 6: "No."

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*Unknown Girl's P.O.V*

     I was at 6969 Unicorns and Rainbows Way. Exactly where Troye had sent me to get "revenge" to get back what was his. I had no clue what it was about. I just owed Troye a favor, and this is what he asked of me. I knocked on the door, and waited patiently, twiddling with the stem of the single rose Troye told me to say that was from the guy named Jon gave me. A beautiful girl opened the door, and i immediately say, "I would like to see my boyfriend please." Once I had said that, her face just fell apart. She looked like she was on the verge of tears while gesturing for me to come in. Inside, I saw a farmiliar face. Yeah, it was Jon, but he lo- Oh crap. Thats.. Jon.. From.. Highschool..

     "Hey baby." I say flirtatiously. He looks at me with complete shock. I think he noticed me.. "What are you d-doing here Allison?" His voice cracked word. I had hurt him so much during school, he's probably scared. "I'm here to bring you home, babe. Just like how we arranged." I felt so bad doing this, but I pushed the other girl away, grabbed Jon's neck and kissed him. I pull away for a moment to shoo away the girl, who was now crying. I saw her walk into what I think was Jon's room, and exit, changed, with her purse in hand. When she exits the house, Jon tries to pry me off of his lap, but I don't budge. Just as the door was about to close, the girl pops her head back in and says, "I hope you're happy Jon." And she once again exits, tears streaming down her face. "GIA!" Jon cries out. Oh my frak. [Yes, Frak.] What have I done? I get up, and without another word, leave, planning to run down the street.

*Gia's P.O.V*

     I walk to the nearest starbucks, and get a drink. I sip on my carmel frap, trying to kill the memories of me and Jon together. But.. I just couldn't. I decide to call Lauren, and see if she's free.

     She is, and she's going to pick me up here. I look outside, and see it's now raining. I giggle, and think of Jon singing the song, "It Will Rain" by Bruno Mars. I shake away the thought seeing Lauren's car pull up. I quickly get up, and make my way to her car.

     I shut the door with a "THUD" and look over to see a sassy face coming from Lauren. "What?" I ask. "You've been crying. Whats wrong?" I sigh and explain my dream, and what recently happened. She looks like a bus just hit her puppy, Hitch. She awkwardly hugs me, and then starts the car. "I'm gonna kick that mother-Fu***** butt. He won't be able to sit down for the next year." I slightly smirk, actually considering the idea.

     Lauren drives to the store to buy some romantic moives, and a few ice-cream tubs. Oh Lauren, you always know how to make me laugh. Then she drives us to her house, since it's closer then mine which was about an hour and thirty minutes, to two hours away. We pull up, and take the bags into her house. I have no idea why, but I burst out in a laughing fit. Lauren stares at me, and I just shrug a little. She shakes it off, then we enter her movie room. Yeah, she has a freakin' living room. "Soooo what movie do you want to watch?" I scroll through the movies, then pick one. The Notebook. "Ohhhkaayyyy" She says funnily. I watch her put it in, and we both grab a tub of ice cream. She gets the carmel ribbon, and get the chocolate. 


     We're about three fourths through the movie, and Lauren, as well as myself, are all out bawling. Maybe its our emotions. Maybe it's our hormones. I have a feeling the movie is about to be over, so I go onto my phone. The lock screen had about 5 billion kajillion texts from Jon. I look through them. Most of them reading "Babe! Come back, please!" or "Where are you? :(" I brush them off, and check instagram. Nothing much. I scroll, and see a picture of me and Jon. I dismiss the picture quickly, and shut my phone off. I look up to see that the movie has ended, and that Lauren sees the sadness on my face. She gives me a hug, and whispers in my ear, "That little crap doesn't deserve you, hun." I hug her back and smile. "Thanks girl." Once our little hug fest is over, we get up, and decide to have dinner since it's about 5 o'clock. We just go to McDonalds becuase it's like.. two seconds away.

*After ordering* (Lauren's P.O.V)

     Me and Gia sit, talking about the movie. I distract myself by thinking of how Jon had done that to her though. Maybe it's not so good that I'm dating Jack either... Someone enters the buliding, sniffling. I look at the person, and study them. I know him from somewhere.  Oh. Wow. That's stupid. It's Jon. I nudge Gia with my arm, then direct my face in his direction. Her eyes light up for a moment, then gloss over. Is she love drunk, or something? I snap my fingers infront of her face. "Gia, are you there? Earth to Gia!" She snaps her head towards me. "Oh gosh, sorry. I was just.. Distracted." I roll my eyes, and giggle. Maybe we said everything a bit to loud, because Jon had looked towards us. We bow our heads down, so he doesn't know it's us, but it's too late. I see his eyes are red, and puffy, but he's smiling.

     "Lauren", he nods, "Gia... I'm so sorry.. I di-" she cuts him off sternly, "Just stop.. Please, Jon. I've seem to had enough. It might've been little, but we needed to try and start off strong. Not with problems." Her eyes look moist with new coming tears. "Best if you'd leave, Jon." I grab Gia's head, and put it on my shoulder. He looks like he's about to say something, but I give him a dirty look, and he walks away slowly. 

     A few girls aproach him, and he gives a few autographs, and takes a few pictures, but he doesn't invite anyone to sit with him. He looks genuinely sad. I tell Gia that I need to take a piss, and I walk over in Jon's direction. "Psst. Jon, come with me." He looks up, then nods. I look back, and see that he had just gotten up. I walk to the side, so it does look like I went into the bathroom. "Jon! What did you do to her?! She's a- not a mess but.. A.." I somehow confuse myself, and Jon decides to talk. "Yeah, I know, but I never did anything! A friend came over, and decided to have a make-out party with me! I tried to pull her off, but she just wouldn't budge!" A tear slips out, and I just couldn't help it. I hug him, tightly. He hugs me back, and weeps on my shoulder. "I wi-wish" Hick "That never h-happened." I pat his back, trying to calm him. It works, and I bring him to our table with me. "Gia," I say softly. She looks up, then back down, once she sees Jon. "Gia.. Please? Forgive me. I miss you. I love you with all of my heart. Please. Please. Forgive me." 

*Gia's P.O.V*

"....Please. Please. Forgive me." I think about it. I shake my head no. "I'm sorry Jon, but No. I don't. Maybe sometime soon, but not now." I see the look of betreyal in his eyes. "I hope you forgive me for this.' I get up without another word, leaving both Lauren and Jon, to make the fact known that he is not forgiven yet, either. 

____________________________________________________________________ Sorry This took forever to upload guys! I just had too many projects, and too much homework. I should be studying for a test right now, but I haven't been able to since I wanted to make up for it. Anyways, thanks for reading, and hope you guys all liked the chapter! <33

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