Chapter 9: "Let's Build a Fort!"

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*Jon's P.O.V*

I quickly turn, horror written all over my face. "HOLY SHI- oh..." I rush over to the fallen waiter, helping him up, trying not to laugh too hard at the fact that he dropped water on his trousers, making it look like the poor man pissed himself. "Are you okay?" I hear Gia call out from the other side of the room. The waiter nods, a highly noticeable blush on his face. He quickly rushes away, and I smile over at the rest of the group, hoping that they found that at least sort of funny. Thank god that they're all smiling.


Halfway through the dinner everything had gone well, besides the waiter dropping all those liquids... The other guys are talking about some sport game that just happened and the girls are probably instagramming their food. Well, all the girls but Gia. I nudge her side gently, and even just with that simple touch, satasfaction runs through me. "What's up, Gia? Why aren't you talking  to the girls?" I motion my head to the side, in their direction. She shrugs, and puts her clasped hands in her lap. "Oh c'mon, Gia-bear. Talk to me." I swivel her head up, so she's looking at me, then move a stray hair out of her face. God her face.. She's just so beautiful. "I-I.. Nothing's wrong. Just sort of tired, ya'know?  All of that food- it's really filling.." I look at her, my "stern" face blossoming. Her beautiful laugh fills my ears, nearly a symphony. "Fine, fine, fine!" Her breaths make her words more jagged, but you can still tell that shes's talking English, "I'm just sorta bored."

I gasp, putting a hand to my chest to make it seem more dramatic. She shakes her head, a smile still adorning her face. "Well how about we moving into stage three then?" I suggest. "Stage three?" Confusion is laced into her facial expression, but she still goes along, and agrees. We say court goodbyes to the rest of the group, and I leave enough money for our two meals.


*Gia's P.O.V*

Jon took me to his house, and apparently, he wants me to watch a movie with him?? Like, oh okay. Jon comes to the couch, pillows and fluffy blankets in hand,"Okay, so the movie I was planning to watch was the purge, or something like that." I open my mouth, but nothing comes out. I can't watch a scary movie without shitting my pants , I kid you not. "U-uh, yeah okay." I agree. Stupid stupid stupid, ugh Gia why can't you just think for once? Jon nods, dropping the blankets and pillows, and somewhat arranges them into a comfortable place. As he does that's I out in the movie the way that I've seen him do before. I plop down next to him back on the couch, but try not to get too close so I don't come off as desperate for him to hold me.

The movie isn't even 1/4 of the way through, and I'm already cringing, and holding onto a pillow for dear life. A gun shot rings out from the television, and I squeal, jumping from my seats to behind the couch. "Oh god Jon, please change this" I beg, but I don't hear a response. All I hear is shifting on the couch, then someone, obviously Jon, picking me up, so my legs are wrapped around his waist and his arms fitting snug against my hips, his hands just barely grazing the top of the booty. () "Oh c'mon love." He says playfully, setting me next to him, then wrapping his arm around my waist.  I sigh, and snugglwe into his side, making the conclusion that this boy is just too damn adorable, and as the tumblr people would say 'I can't even.'

Not even five minutes later, Jon looks at me, and asks, "This is boring. Let's build a fort!" The excitement in his face makes me giggle, and I quickly turn off the television, trying not to see anything that might be happening. "Let's do this!"

*After some almost naughty fort building*

*Jon's P.O.V*

Her head on my chest, I think that my master plan has worked pretty well. Maybe not the way I planned, or as romantic, but it was us. "You have no idea how happy I am that you said yes to come with me." I look down at her a small smirk playing on her lips. "Don't think you have me on lock-down just yet, lover-boy."

"You cant blame a guy for trying, can you?" I kiss her forehead, happy that she understood everything and finally forgives me again. Jesus girls are hard to win over again.. But who cares? It was totally worth it.

Buzz buzz buzz, I hear my phone go off. "Give me a sec, love.." She groans, but obliges anyways. "I was comfortable, butt-face!" I wink at her, and go to answer my phone. On the other line, it was the one and only. Troye frickin Sivan. 



Oh god guys I love you all so much. Two thousand reads, almost three thousand?! I know I haven't posted all that much recently, but ugh you all make me want to cry. ESPECIALLY THAT ONE PERSON WHO COMMENTED LAST CHAPTER, YOU MADE ME SO HAPPY OML. okay. You may go on with life now. I love you again.

Paint Me A Song ~A Jon Cozart (Paint) Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now