Fresh angel blood

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Ebony whipped her head around, away from Raphael who had also heard the earpiercing screach. It seemed to come from behind a thick blue curtain, a couple of feet away from the bar. Something didn't feel right. Another splitting screach sounded over the club roar and Ebony decided to investigate. She pushed her way to the curtain, Raphael protectively following close behind, knowing something was up. She took a deep breath and opened the curtain at the edge only to be faced with the most ugly thing she had ever seen. Before she could identify it, it lunged towards her, tentacles splaying from its face, nocking Ebony to the floor. Raphael intervened, taking the creature by the throat, digging his sharp vamp nails into it. As he did this the hazel eyed boy appeared from the shadows only to force a shining blade into its stomach as Raphael held it up. Just like that, it disappeared into thin air as it combusted into ash. Raphael instantly sped to Ebony's rescue, helping her up as she looked at him in shock horror. It was then Raphael smelt the euphoric, metallic smell of fresh angel blood. Blood dripped down her neck where the monster had managed to bite her before Raphael intervened. His fangs bared, eyes widened. They shared an intense gaze as he held her up, it lasted but a few seconds, however felt otherwise. She knew these eyes as they stared down into hers with such care and concern. Her eyes began to blur. The vampire placed her in the arms of the hazel eyed boy before speeding a to the nearest exit to escape the intoxicating smell of her blood. 'Jace Wayland' he called as he reached the door a couple of yards away, 'take care of her, she is Nephillium.' A blonde boy pulled his own blue blade out of another foul creature, turning to Raphael who now covered his nose and mouth, 'whats it to you fanger?' He yelled aggressively. 'Please.' He begged and then exited so quickly it sent a gust of wind that hit the blue curtain causing it to flap. 'Jace, its true.' The hazel eyed boy noted, 'she has the sight, she saw me on the way in.' He said looking down at the half conscious girl laying in his arms. 

'Why was vamp city so concerned about her?' Jace approached the girl who tuned in and out of what was being said. 'Obviously you wouldn't understand a concern for anyone but yourself, Jace.' A female voice teased. 'Look lets take her to see Hodge and then we will decide what to do with her, okay?' Jace suggested. 

Ebony's head flopped backwards as she fell unconscious once the team had exited the club. Raphael followed them from the rooftops of the alleys they walked through. His unusual care for her outweighed his bloodlust enough for him to follow at a safe distance behind.  He had sighed a breath of relief as the Shadowhunter's had appeared through the same exit a couple minutes after he did, carrying Ebony. 

He followed them all the way to the institute until he was confined to the street where the Institute bordered the mundane world; where the land became holy, so holy that it would burn his vampire feet should he tread on it. 

He stood there until sunrise, worried about the girl that had hardly left his mind since he saved her life a week before. His blood surged with anger, anger towards the demon that had lunged at the innocent girl, anger at the way Jace Wayland had mocked him for caring and anger at himself; his nature compelling him to want to drain the life out of her. 

He waited. That was all he could do now.

Hey lovelies!

I am so grateful for your votes, they make me so happy! Thank youu <3 <3

I am sooo excited for Rebony! The next chapter focusses on the interactions between Jace, Ebony, Alec and Nora as Raph can't be out in daylight but stay tuned, more Raphael and Ebony coming soon!!

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