Alternate dimension

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been exhausted so please bare with me, I may be updating slower these days!

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter <3 I updated the cover.

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'I need to get back to the institute, talk some sense into my brother.' Izzy notified us as we stood outside Hotel Du Mort. 'Take care of him.' She looked from Meliorn to me and I nodded, 'we will.' The two shared a not-so-PG kiss and the dark haired beauty disappeared into the shadows. 

Meliorn's soft voice broke the silence, 'Isabelle told me it was your idea to rally the Downworlders,I hear you spearheaded my rescue, thank you Ebony Morgenstern.' He smiled lightly towards me. I blushed, 'you give me too much credit, your girlfriend made this happen, we just helped.' I blushed under the collective attention of the mysterious Seelie, Jace and Raphael. 

'She's being modest.' Raph's velvety voice gave me goosebumps and I fought back another blush. He hadn't spoken to me since the City of bones and it made me feel a little uneasy. 'She blushes,' Meliorn smiled teasingly at me and traced my flushed cheek with his finger in a curious manner, more friendly than anything else. Izzy told me he could be like that so I simply shrugged it off, Raphael however did not dismiss this action, a low growl resonated from behind me where he stood and Meliorn's devious eyes lit up with amusement but he said nothing. 

'I have been surprised by more than one shadowhunter tonight.' He spoke to Jace this time and Jace nodded blankly, 'you risked everything to unite us.' His eyes darted back to mine.

'Right after you tried to sell her out.' Jace snapped, Meliorn's smile turned apologetic, 'not my finest moment. Which is why I'm offering you a gift...for your sacrifice. If you're ready, I can help you find your father.' He proposed calmly as if he hadn't just offered to help me find my father...Valentine. 

I looked to Jace for reassurance, he shared my shocked expression. 


'I wish I could come with you.' Raphael told me with a pained look, well mildly pained...he always looked so composed, that was, if he wasn't kissing me. Expectedly, thoughts of kissing Raphael invaded my mind and I scolded my hormonal girliness.  But who could blame me, look at the guy; his deep black eyes that looked like the entrance to the universe, his sharp cheekbones would put Chuck Bass himself to shame and his amazing full lips, well, they were just daring me to kiss them. Beyond that though was the perceptive, thoughtful aura that made me feel like he was watching everyones moves, totally in control and it was so sexy. 

'I'll be fine.' I reassured him as he stared down at me intensely in the empty alley way; Jace and Meliorn were waiting for me a block away. 

Raphael pulled me into his chest and kissed my temple, inhaling deeply as he sniffed me as if to take all of me in. I pushed away from his chest a little and he looked down at me with confusion and hurt but these emotions were soon replaced with affection as my lips made contact with his.  Our lips moved in sync and his palms made contact with my neck.  It was soft and caring, I used the kiss as a means to reassure him, relax him, tell him that I would be alright. He pulled away though, 'I should go.' He whispered, biting onto his plump lip. My ovaries melted, 'just kiss me.' I begged him in a whisper and something that looked like lust flashed in his eyes. He took me roughly by the waist and suddenly my back was pressed up against the street wall. He pressed his flexing chest against my giddy one and I was sure he could hear heart skyrocketing as desire consumed me, I wanted more. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2016 ⏰

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