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'Eb is everything alright?' Jace spoke, it touched her that he respected her enough to trust her response. 'Raphael was just checking on me thats all.' She said softly. 'Are you sure you want to do this?' Raphael turned to Ebony, they were still suggestively close, 'I don't know what else to do,' she began, 'I need to know this.' He gritted his teeth, he couldn't respond. He wouldn't be able to stifle the anger in his voice even though it came from a place of protectiveness; he knew it wasn't his place to forbid her from this. She noticed his now agressive stance as he frowned and ticked his jaw and attempted to keep his fangs away. 'Raphael?' She could see him growing angrier. 'Talk to me,' she said as she placed her hand softly on his upper arm. He took a moment to collect himself...'it is not my place to ask you not to go in there,' he began, 'I can't protect you from the city of bones.' He explained, 'you don't have to.' She smiled hopefully, 'I can do this.' Ebony reassured him. 'You're strong.' He said elegantly before kissing her on the head, 'take care of her Jace Wayland.' He said sternly as he projected his voice confidently with the tact of a powerful leader.  'Of course.' Jace snapped, 'We protect our own Raphael.' He snarled at him, offended that Raphael thought Ebony was in any danger under his protection.  'We'll see...' Raphael said in a serious tone, his eyes glaring at Jace and Alec. 

'What's going on with you two anyways?' Jace looked at Alec for reassurance, his expression filled with suspicion. 'I,' Eb searched for an explanation, what was going on between them? They weren't dating, were they lovers? She hardly knew the man with whom she shared so much passion. 'Well...' She looked at Jace aprehensively, 'we're friends.' Raphael intervined. 'Friends?' Ebony snapped as she turned and glared at him a little, 'do you kiss all your friends like that?' She sassed and just like that Jace went from curious to furious. 'What!' He yelled as he lunged towards Raphael who rolled his eyes. Ebony blocked him. 'Jace please!' She tried to calm him down. 'Vampires are monsters Ebony and he's their leader, you can't trust him!' He warned as he shook her arms off his chest. 'Speek for yourself Shadowhunter, not all vampires are monsters. I was raised as a Catholic.' He hissed. 

'You're the vampire leader?' She spoke slowly, her eyes widening with surprise. 'Why are you so shocked?' She pursed her lips, 'no I can see that.' She smiled at him, he held himself like a leader, 'well leader or not he's a downworlder.' Alec warned, 'so?' She snapped back, what did that have to do with anything? A genuine smile covered Raphaels face at this comment, he beamed at her. 

'Ebony Morgenstern, we are ready for you now.' A voice sounded in her head and Jace's too, 'Jace Wayland it is time...' It sounded again. 'What was that?' Ebony began. 'The silent brothers are ready for you. ' he furrowed his brow, 'we mustn't keep them waiting.' He warned, grabbing her arm and pulling her away from Raphael. She huffed at his forcefullness but followed nevertheless, 'my name is Ebony Bennet!' She corrected before turning to share a final gaze with Raphael who stood majestically, watching her, his lips persed; he looked concerned, as he often did. 'Thats funny, I could have sworn they called you Ebony Morgenstern.' Jace said softly as he lead her out of the garden, shortly followed by Alec, through the graveyard.  'They did.' She noted, suddenly identifying a look of horror on Jace's stunning face. 'What is it?' She asked worriedly...

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