Are we lovers?

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Ebony sat on the end of the bed in her new room, tears rolled down her cheeks as she wondered how long it would be until she could see her little brother, Perle or stepfather Luke again. On the way back to the Institute she had explained what her mother had told her to Jace, Alec, Nora and Issy. The five had developed an unspoken trust as they began to understand more about her relation to the Mortal Cup and Valentine's return. They mutually agreed to keep everything they knew so far a secret even if it meant going behind the Clave's back to help Jocelyn as it was clear that the picture was far bigger and more complicated than the Clave understood. Alec was entirely reluctant at first, no surprise there but even he could see a greater game was at play and Jace begged his Parapatai to trust him. 

Ebony felt loss like never before, it felt like goodbye forever as she kissed her stepbrothers head earlier that evening. Ebony's heart ached, it longed for Raphael's comfort and company, she didn't know why it was his she wanted. 

She had been too preoccupied with her chaotic life to act on it so far. She had not seen him since he had kissed her at the City of Bones and felt bad for not checking in with him but couldn't justify why. They weren't dating? She didn't hardly know anything about the boy, only that he was gorgeous, caring and weirdly protective over her. 

Without thinking Ebony composed a text, sending it straight after, it read, 'are we lovers? E '. As soon as she sent it she was filled with regret, it was straight to the point and might come accross a bit rude. She bit her lip nervously as she waited for him to respond. Seconds felt like minutes and minutes felt like hours as she waited trying not to stare at her phone. He was the head of the New York Vampire clan, of course he would be busy doing important vampire things, besides with all that had happened with her she wasn't sure she and Raph could even be 'lovers' let alone friends because she could never tell him the truth about her family and her predicament. 

Suddenly her screen lit up, 'come and see me and we can sort it out' the message read. Her heart fluttered a little and her stomach turned nervously. She wanted to but how would she get out of the institute without being seen? She ran to Izzy's room. Izzy was the beacon of advice when it came to sneaking out and downworlder fornication. She understood immediately. 'I would take the back door.' She suggested giving Eb a wink and giggling, 'downworlders have their charms don't they,' she chimed, 'its so nice to have someone who doesn't hate their guts,' she squeaked as she excitedly pulled Ebony into a tight hug. 'Be back in a few hours or you won't get any sleep.' She warned 'and then people will get suspicious, trust me.' 


After sneaking out the backdoor down by the kitchens, Ebony swiftly walked away from the institute, hood up so that she couldn't be identified. She made her way to an alley maybe 10 blocks away from the Institute. She leant against the wall nervously, hands in pockets to keep them warm. Suddenly she felt two hands slide round her stomach as Raphael embraced her from behind. Her heart jumped. 

'I make you nervous.' He chuckled as she turned and playfully hit him in the chest. 'Dammit Raphael!' She hissed, catching her breath. She slipped off her hood and ran her hand through her long brown hair. He bit his lip, pulling her hips into his, 'now what was it you wanted to talk about?' He teased, 'oh thats right,' he chuckled as she pulled her in closer until there was very little space between the two. He was about to kiss her when she spoke, 'what is going on with us Raphael?' She asked seriously. He stared down at her as he bit the insides of his cheeks. 'What is this?' She gestured between the them. 'I don't know...' He began softly, 'what do you want it to be?' He continued as he fiddled with the ends of her hair. 'I don't know.' She whispered as she felt her heart speed up, 'I don't know anything about you Raphael...' She looked up at him curiously. He lent past her and whispered in her ear 'Lets change that.'

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