Never let me go...

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Raphael whipped her up into a bridal lift and before Ebony knew it she was on the rooftop of the building opposite them. It was about three stories high and you could see the main street a couple blocks away, the lights, the people, the bars and the skyscrapers in the distance. 

Ebony's mouth was agape. He looked down at her, admiring her surprised expression as he stood by her side. She turned to him, 'this is my life.' He began. 'At night it feels like the world is mine, I can explore every inch of New York, feel everything, the buildings, the music, the art, the people. My senses are heightened so I can hear and see everything.' She stared at him curiously as his eyes lit up, 'isn't that overwhelming?' She said softly. 'No with practice you can focus your senses; tune in and out. Like now for instance, I can hear the band playing inside a bar. I can hear the base being plucked, and faint piano music...' He paused, 'may I have this dance?' He asked playfully using a posh voice, 'you may,' she mimicked his tone, sending him a cheeky smile. He turned his head away bashfully before taking her hand in his delicately and slipping his other hand round her waist. He pulled her body into his.

Their faces were millimetres apart now and she stared into his big, black eyes. He could hear her pulse increase. He contemplated kissing her, he wanted to but he waited for her to make the first move this time.

Ebony didn't though, she leaned her head on his shoulder, looking away from him and they moved as one, swaying hips in unison, 'so how am I doing?' She whispered, as she couldn't hear the music he danced to, she just moved with his body. 'Very well,' he began as if he knew exactly what she was talking about; his voice deep and soft, it caressed her ears, 'you are a beautiful dancer.' He spoke sweetly.  She blushed and wondered if he could feel her cheeks burn against his shoulder.

'So it must feel like your invincible huh?' She said softly. 'Until the sun comes up.' He corrected, 'Its a reminder that I am not invincible in many ways.' His tone was serious. She smiled sadly. 'I'll never grow old. I'll never have a family.' His voice darkened a little as he unintentionally spoke his thoughts. He felt embarrassed. Ebony was afraid to look him in the eye because she didn't know how to react. Instead she just rubbed his arm with her hand that curled round his back and held onto his shoulder to try and comfort him. He could sense her caring energy and smiled, he liked the way it felt. Maybe thats why he suddenly opened up in the first place? It was a human feeling he had not experienced in a long time. 

'My legs are getting tired,' she admitted with a weak smile, stupid mundane body- she thought. 'Of course.' He pulled away from her slowly. She smiled at him and made her way to the ledge of the building, sat down and dangled her legs over.

He joined her with curiosity, impressed that the height didn't seem to phase her. 'So when where you turned?' She began, '1953.' She smirked, 'so I'm into an old man.' She winked at him. His eyes lit up once more as he smirked. 'You're into me then?' He teased but was secretly more than a little bit pleased. 'And how old were you when you-' he knew the end of the question by heart. People had historically underestimated him because of his age within the vampire community. '20.' He smiled at her, 'you look older...' She noted.

'So what do you do, other than lead the Vampires and explore the city?' She spoke softly again, there was a lightness about her voice that Raphael enjoyed. 'I play the piano.' He explained. 'You do? I love piano music, will you play for me sometime?' She looked at him hopefully, he nodded, 'of course.'

'Why not now?' He spoke playfully. She smiled pulling out her phone to check the time, 2 am, it was time she returned to the Institute. 'Rain check?' She shot him another hopeful smile, 'si.' He grinned, his fangs protruding. They were kind of intimidating despite his kind eyes.

He took her down to the Alley again, 'Could you walk me home, to the bottom of the street?' She asked remembering how vulnerable she felt on the walk down. 'Of course.' He said in a serious tone, 'its not safe for you to be alone at this time.' She slid her hand into his as if to say thank you and because she felt a little wary.

'So, us...' He revisited her initial question. 'Relations between Shadowhunters and the downworld are sort of frowned upon.' He explained,'I feel very protective over you.' She looked at him intently, 'You have a light in you that is beautiful and it makes me want to be around you, I don't want to be away from you.' He could hear her heart speed up at the words, 'how do you feel?' He asked softly, he couldn't tell if she was totally freaked out or shared his feelings. 'I want to be around you Raphael. When you're not around I miss you. I feel alive with you and safe and I never want it to end.' She stopped and took a deep breath. 'But' she began. His expression dropped.

'But theres so much about my life that I can't tell you. Its so complicated and because of what you are and your position with your people I can't tell you. I am keeping these secrets from the Clave and I may never be able to be totally honest about certain parts of my life with you. Is that the kind of relationship you want to have?'

Raphael sort of breathed a breath of relief. The only thing holding her back was the things happening around her. He knew the relationship between Shadowhunters and downworlders would prove to be an issue for both but didn't care about that. He kind of loved her.

He could hear her heart speed up again, he stopped and stood in front of her, holding her shoulders, 'what is it? Why are you so afraid?' He said, concerned. She sighed, 'because I don't want to loose you.' Her voice broke a little, his eyes widened, 'you won't.' He spoke quickly and pulled her into a protective hug, 'ever.' He continued. He could hear her heartbeat slowing as he hugged her. 'Ebony you'll never loose me.' He spoke in his deep velvety voice.

He began to pull his arms off and she buried her head further into his big chest so he squeezed her again. 'I think I love you,' he confessed with a sigh.  He waited for her response nervously, 'I think I love you too.' She replied and the two hugged for a while, lost in the others presence. She wondered if it was a bit premature but her heart longed for him. Odly, she did love him, even after so little time spent together. 


As they approached the street of the Institute Ebony grabbed his hand a little tighter. 'Goodnight mi amor.' He peered down at his lover who's expression saddened. He stroked her cheek, 'I will see you soon.' He promised, stroking her cold cheek. She stood on tiptoes, cupping his face in her hands and pulled him into a passionate kiss. There was no space between them, he intoxicated her and she hung on to every kiss like an addict. Finally she reluctantly pulled away, eyes closed still savouring the kiss. He left a kiss on her head and sped away, knowing if he stayed any longer he would never leave. 


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