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The team planned to visit Perle without consulting Mayress.  They planned to leave after dark when she would meet with the Clave so that she was distracted. Jace believed it was better to beg forgiveness than ask permission and that the intel from this mission was of great importance to the Clave. Even Alec understood this and refrained from consulting his mother or the Clave to the teams surprise.

They arrived at Eb's home on the outskirts of New York; it was a suburbian house, old but charming. 


'Mum?' Ebony called as she entered the hallway. 'Ebony!' Perle appeared, pulling her daughter into a tight hug, 'why didn't you tell me you were coming and why haven't you answered any of my calls! I was so worried!' She began before Ebony's three intimidating bodyguards entered and caught her gaze, 'hunny, whats going on?' She said with concern. 


Ebony sat across the kitchen table with her mother. Jace, Alec, Nora and Izzy made themselves 'comfortable' in the living room. Alec sat uncomfortably as gazed around the room curiously at the mundane decor , avoiding Nora's eyes awkwardly.

Ebony quickly explained her predicament to Perle.

'I am not your mother,' Perle began as she took Ebony's hand in hers.'I am so sorry you found out this way... To tell you would be to put you in danger sweetheart. Jocelyn was your mother, my sister.' She said slowly so as not to worry her daughter further. 'My father is Valentine, isn't he?' Ebony said sadly, tears welling in her eyes. 'Yes,' she began, sadness in hers, 'when he went rogue I faked my own death-' she was cut off, 'the fire!' Eb  remembered. 'Yes! So that theShadow world would believe I no longer existed, along with Valentine. I was  safe and the perfect guardian for you, Ebony. I hid us in the mundane world for years as your mother spent her life on the run; running from Valentine hiding the Mortal cup. For years I was paranoid, keeping you close to home until Valentine disappeared. Then I met Luke of course and Myles was born and I began to believe we could live a quiet life. I owe my sister my life and if Valentine is back, she's in trouble.' She said worriedly as she grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled on it, 'this is the last address of hers that I have.' She began. 'Jocelyn wouldn't want us to go after her or for you and Myles to be put in danger. It cannot be known that I am still alive, neither that you are Jocelyn's daughter.' She warned.

Thank goodness they didn't tell Mayress. Eb thought. But Hodge knew, could he be trusted as an ex-circle member? 

'You will put Myles in danger if you go after her mum!' She snapped at her, refering to her four year old stepbrother who was in bed upstairs. 'I know.' She agreed. If she chose to visit this address she would no longer be safe from Valentine. 'I will do it! She's my mother, I will find her and help her.' She began, her tone confident. Perle winced at the words, her brown eyes filled with tears, she may not be her real mother but she loved Ebony like a true daughter and was both proud of who she had become in that moment and irrevocably heartbroken that she would enter the dangerous shadow world. She knew that Ebony could not be swayed, she was stubborn like Jocelyn and this made Perle even sadder. 'Come here baby.' She whimpered as she pulled her niece/ daughter into a tight embrace, 'I will always love you like a daughter,' she sobbed, 'and I you like a mother.' Ebony's voice hardened as she pulled herself together a bit. 'Be smart, you are strong Eb but you have not been trained as a Shadowhunter, you have much to learn my darling don't overestimate your ability, I will fetch the steele your mother left for you.' She kissed her on the head, her bottom lip still shaking. She lifted the flap on the bottom step of the staircase and  disconnected the wood panel in the hallway, lifting out a small box. She opened it and passed Ebony her Steele. 

She pulled her mother into another tight hug. 'This isn't goodbye...' She told her, 'stay safe my sweet girl.' Perle sniffed. 'Look after her.' She asked Jace, Izzy and Alec firmly. 'We will.' Jace touched her arm reassuring her and the others nodded. She hugged Nora too whom she had not had a chance to talk to. Ebony rushed upstairs quickly, entering a little boys room. Myles lay there like an angel, his dark hair splayed over the pillow. 'Ebony?' He asked half awake and she took his little hand in hers, 'go back to sleep Myles.' She kissed him on the head and stroked his cheek. It was in this moment that tears began to stream out of her eyes. She left instantly, trying to stifle her sobs, 'Tell Myles I love him,' she spoke shakily to her mother. Ebony caught Perles gaze once more and swallowed, trying her best to calm her emotions. Perle nodded wiping tears from her own eyes. And they left swiftly so that they would make it back before the end of Mayress' meeting.

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