Chapter 2

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After being poked, prodded, fingerprinted, photographed and forced to change into an orange prison jumpsuit, Grey found herself sitting on a thin mattress in a jail cell. Her mind drifted back to her interrogation just a few hours earlier.


"So Agent McGee, did you have a nice childhood?" McGee ignored her and continued looking through the email on his phone while he waited for Gibbs. He wasn't sure why this woman was making him so uncomfortable. Out of all the criminals, psychopaths and murderers that he had ever dealt with this woman was worse then any of them.

"Oh come on, it's not a hard question to answer."

"Yes, I had a very nice childhood, thank you."

"What a polite young man you are, however I do believe that your childhood was less then ideal."

McGee wondered if this woman was a mind reader. How did she know that my childhood wasn't always the best? Always striving but never good enough for my parents.

Tim was pulled from his thoughts when Gibbs entered the room but that didn't stop Grey from continuing to press.

"Has anyone ever told you that you've got the cutest little baby face, Agent McGee?"

Gibbs glared at her as he took a seat across from her. What she said next though had McGees' stomach churning and he felt a warm blush fall over his cheeks.

"I bet you would be such a good boy for mommy," she said with an evil smirk.

By this point, Gibbs had heard enough and ordered McGee to leave the room. He knew Tim was uncomfortable and it made his blood boil that this psycho was antagonizing his agent. Someone who he had grown to love and would protect in any way he could.

-End Flashback-

Grey was torn away from her daydream by the clanging of keys and soon after her cell door was unlocked. The guard informed her that she had five minutes to make her phone call. She was handcuffed and led through a wide corridor past dozens of other prison cells. Once they reached the phone, the handcuffs were removed and she was allowed some privacy to make her call. She picked up the phone and proceeded to dial the number.

Ella Grey had just finished eating dinner when her cell phone rang. Picking it up off the kitchen counter she sighed when she realized that the caller ID flashed "Unavailable". Normally she wouldn't answer if she didn't recognize the number but then she thought back to how long it had been since she heard from her sister. Lucy and Ella were very close growing up. Lucy was ten years older then Ella and since their parents weren't around much, it was Lucy's responsibility to take care of and raise Ella. It was a duty that Lucy took seriously and all she ever talked about was having her own kids. That is, until she was diagnosed with endometrial cancer and needed to have a hysterectomy. After that day, Lucy threw herself into her work as a scientist for the Navy and never looked back. It wasn't until she was putting the finishing touches on her "babified" drug that Ella started to notice the old Lucy start to return.


- No answer


Ella was just about to hang up the phone when an automated voice asked if she would accept a collect call from the Correctional Treatment Facility.

"Yes, I'll accept the charges." Ella replied

"Ella, its Lucy...I've been caught and I'm in jail until I can have my court appearance."

"What?! Are you alright? Do I need to call a lawyer for you?"

"Calm down, I'm fine and I've called my lawyer but I need you to do something very important for me."

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