Chapter 32

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TV Shows » NCIS »
Author: HarmonFreak1 PM
When Tim is drugged and reduced to a toddler how will the gang react? Will they be able to change him back or will he have to grow up all over again? Papa Gibbs and Baby Timmy!
Follow/FavoriteRated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Tim M. · Leroy Jethro Gibbs - Chapters: 36 - Words: 123,934 - Reviews: 649 - Favs: 207 - Follows: 295 - Updated: 08-02-13 - Published: 03-02-

The following morning, Gibbs stretched, lazily opened one eye and immediately closed it again as the morning sunlight streamed through the blinds. He could feel the rise and fall of Tim's chest underneath his arm, which brought a smile to his face. Waking up happy was a new concept for him. All these years, he had been essentially on autopilot, trying to make it through the day. Of course, he had his "kids", but waking up and knowing there was a young boy who depended on him for everything carried a different vibe. He supposed, no hoped, definitely hoped, that eventually Tim would be restored to adulthood, but he didn't want to think about that until he had to. Right now his job was to enjoy the time they had left together as father and son.


Tim's voice brought him out of his musing. He opened his eyes to be greeted by a mostly toothless grin from his boy. Tim climbed further up Gibbs' chest and rested his chin on the soft fabric of the undershirt. The older man ran his hand through Tim's tousled hair, and then laid a hand on his forehead to check for a fever.

"How you feeling this morning, kiddo? Does your mouth still hurt?"

Tim turned his head so it was lying flat on Gibbs' chest, "Uh huh!"

"Aww I'm sorry, sweetie. It's time for another dose of medicine, how about we get up and take a bath."

Tim's head popped up at Gibbs' suggestion, "Bubble?"

Gibbs chuckled and ran his hand soothingly down Tim's back "Is there any other kind of bath around here anymore?"

The toddler shook his head and slowly slid off the older man. Gibbs sat up, slung his feet over the edge of the bed and stood up. Tim's arms were already extended, waiting to be picked up.

Gibbs' collected the youngster in his arms, "All right, partner, let's get you cleaned up and take your temperature."

As he laid Tim down on the dresser, which Ducky had used for a changing table the night before a familiar thump...thump...thump echoed throughout the room before Jethro entered.

"Doggy," Tim giggled as Jethro walked over and sat down next to his namesake. Gibbs reached down and ran his fingers through the dog's fur. "Did we wake you up, boy?" Jethro gave a small snort, walked around in circles and laid down. "Guess that answers my question," Gibbs laughed as he pulled out the thermometer and stuck it in Tim's ear. While the instrument made its calculations, he used his free hand to unzip the sleeper. He grabbed the bottle of Tylenol off the end of the dresser as the thermometer signaled it was finished. "Okay let's see what we've got, shall we?" Removing the device from Tim's ear, he frowned at the reading. It was a degree higher than it had been the night before.

"Timmy, your fever is higher than it was last night. I think a cooler bath is in order today." Tim shivered at the thought of an ice-cold bubble bath. The older man patted his belly, "Don't worry, son. I'm not going to make you suffer in a cold bath. Speaking of which I'm going to go start the water, I'll be right back."

After starting the bath, Gibbs poured the proper amount of medication and administered it to the youngster. He removed the remainder of the sleeper and diaper then carried him into the bathroom. Jethro followed the pair, seeing fit to take a command post near the door. While Tim enjoyed playing in the tub with the toys Abby had bought, Gibbs figured it would be a good time for him to get cleaned up as well. Obviously a shower was out of the question but the five o'clock shadow needed to go. "Timmy, I'm going to shave and clean up, if you need anything I'll be right at the sink."

Gibbs laughed as Tim turned his head; the little guy had created a "bubble beard" that started at the bottom of his ears and came to a stop at his chin. "That's what daddy is going to look if he doesn't shave today."

While Tim enjoyed his bath, occasionally splashing water on to the floor outside the tub, Gibbs took care of his own needs. Because he hadn't showered in a day he used a washcloth to freshen up. He grimaced when he ran his fingers through his greasy hair; not wanting to wait another day to wash it, he used the sink and quickly took care of it. The last chore was shaving, as he made quick work of the stubble, Tim started getting antsy. "What's wrong, kiddo?" Gibbs inquired as he walked over and knelt down. The toddler didn't need to answer though when Gibbs noticed he was shivering. He turned the water on, allowing fresh warm water to flow into the tub, "Give me a few minutes to finish and I'll come back to wash your hair, okay?"

"Kay dada," Tim mumbled savoring the last few minutes of the bath. After the older man was finished, he washed Tim's hair and body before wrapping him in a towel and carrying him back to the bedroom. While Gibbs' rummaged through the drawers, Tim grabbed his hand, forcing Gibbs to stop and make eye contact with him. "What's wrong, buddy?"

Tim grinned coyly, "Jush wanna say, I lube u, an me bery lubky u take good cawre of me."

Gibbs squeezed his hand, "The pleasure is all mine, Timmy. I love you too."

He quickly dressed Tim who was shivering again. "I'm sorry, kiddo. This fever will probably fluctuate all day long. I'll start a fire when we get downstairs and then we can have breakfast in front of it, how does that sound?"

Tim nodded and waited patiently while Gibbs got dressed. After he was finished, he gathered the youngster in his arms and headed downstairs. He sat Tim on the couch, stacked a pile of wood in the fireplace and lit it. The toddler watched, mesmerized, as the flames roared and the embers crackled. "The fire should warm up the house in no time." He then gave Tim a proposition, "Do you want to play while I get breakfast ready or would you rather hang out in the kitchen with me?"

It didn't take long for Tim to make up his mind, he immediately stretched out his arms, "Wanna go with u."

Gibbs smiled and picked him up, "I knew that was coming, come on, let's allow Jethro some relief."

After letting the dog out, Gibbs sat Tim in one of the kitchen chairs and went to work preparing breakfast. Since it was already eleven, he decided to make a bigger breakfast that would hold them over through lunch. Eggs, bacon, oatmeal and toast were on the menu and Tim licked his lips as he watched the older man compile it on a tray and bring it into the family room. Gibbs quickly filled Jethro's food and water bowl and let the pup inside. Satisfied they wouldn't be bothered during their meal, he grabbed a bib, tied it around Tim's neck and carried him out to the family room. Tim sniffed delightedly as the aroma of bacon filled the room. Propping up pillows around the fireplace, he sat Tim down and dished out two plates for each of them. When Gibbs set the plate down in front of Tim he dug in with gusto. They ate in companionable silence, every once in awhile Gibbs would hold the bottle so Tim could drink or give him a spoon full of oatmeal. "They must not have fed you that much, did they?" Gibbs questioned as Tim looked up from his plate, his face covered in various aspects of breakfast.

The youngster shook his head, "Me was hungwy but afwaid to eat."

Gibbs took a sip of his coffee, "I don't blame you, kiddo. Make sure you let me know when you're hungry today."

Tim let out a small burp, his face reddened as Gibbs chuckled. "That's my boy!"

As soon as they were done with breakfast, Tim crawled over and took a seat in Gibbs' lap. He leaned back against his chest and motioned for the bottle that was sitting on the table. Gibbs snickered as he picked it up and held it to Tim's lips, "You got me wrapped around your finger, and you know it."

The youngster shrugged his shoulders, closed his eyes and enjoyed the warmth of the fire along with the heat radiating off Gibbs. As Tim finished the bottle, Gibbs' cell phone rang. Removing it from his pocket he checked the caller ID and answered, "Yeah, Gibbs."

"Hey, boss."

"DiNozzo what can I help you with?"

"I was just wondering how Timmy was doing and if he's up for having some company?"

Gibbs looked down at the little boy snuggled against his chest, "He's running a fever, which Ducky believes is due to teething. How about you give us the day together and the team can come visit tonight."

" to be okay?" Tony probed, his voice trembling at the thought Tim was really sick.

"DiNozzo, calm down, he's going to be fine."

Tony breathed a sigh of relief loud enough to hear over the telephone line. "Good, I just don't want anything to happen to my Probie. Oh and don't worry about dinner tonight, boss. Ziva and Abby have everything planned and will be there a little early to start cooking. Is there anything else you need?"

Remembering he promised Tim ice cream before his abduction, but unable to leave the house when the youngster wasn't feeling well he had an idea. "Yeah, will you bring ice cream for dessert and another gallon of milk for the little guy?"

Tim merrily clapped his hands together regarding Gibbs' suggestion. "Ice cweam! Ice cweam," he chanted over and over again.

Tony laughed as he heard Tim's sweet little voice emanating in the background, "You got it, boss! If the little guy wants ice cream it is my duty to fulfill his request."

"Thanks, DiNozzo we'll see you tonight."

After he hung up with Tony, Gibbs was racking his brain, trying to come up with ideas that would allow them to have a quiet afternoon together. He smiled when he realized Tony had left a stack of DVD's on the table. "Timmy, you want to watch a movie?"

"Yesh," Tim mumbled around the thumb in his mouth.

Grabbing the stack off the table, Gibbs held them out in front of the toddler allowing him to choose which one he wanted to watch. Following an intense scrutiny of all the movies, Tim finally chose "Toy Story."

Thankfully the DVD player was still connected, so all Gibbs had to do was turn on the television and change out the disc. He decided to get refills on the drinks before settling in on the couch. When he returned with a fresh cup of coffee and a full bottle of milk, Tim was tucked away in the corner of the couch. Gibbs propped up a few pillows, laid down and motioned for Tim to come join him. The youngster excitedly crawled across him coming to a stop on his chest. He twisted and turned trying to find the perfect position as the previews started; eventually he ended up sprawled out on his belly, his head nuzzled against Gibbs' shoulder. Tim's thumb crept up to his mouth and he sighed contently as the older man wrapped one arm around him.

Sometime during the movie the duo had fallen asleep, no doubt exhausted from the past few days. A quiet whine awakened Gibbs from his snooze; when he opened his eyes, he was greeted to a giant slobbery kiss from Jethro. "Eww thanks, boy," Gibbs murmured, careful not to wake Tim, who was still asleep. "What do you need, buddy?" Jethro let out a long drawn whine and began pacing back in forth between the kitchen and the living room. Great I have a dog that needs to pee and a baby asleep on my chest, how am I going to work this one out? Gibbs thought to himself. Deciding he would much rather deal with getting Tim back to sleep than cleaning up after the dog, he slowly sat up.

Tim stirred slightly, expressed a cute little snuffle and snuggled closer to Gibbs' shoulder.

"Shh shh honey, go back to sleep." Gibbs soothingly rubbed his back as he stood up, walked to the door and opened it for Jethro. The snow was falling at a steady pace; paving the way for a beautiful winter wonderland. He wished Tim were feeling better; he would love to take him outside to play. Regrettably, his heart ached for the pain his baby boy was going through. Like any parent who has a child who is in pain or ill, he would gladly take all the pain if it would mean his little guy started feeling better. Unfortunately, all he could do now was make sure he was comfortable and continue with the medication.

Jethro's fur was covered in tiny snowflakes when he came bounding back inside. With his hands full Gibbs tried his best to remove the remaining snow, while being careful not to wake Tim. He sighed as the clock on the microwave read four o'clock. Unsure what time the team would be arriving; he wanted to straighten up around the house before they bombarded him. Since he was going to be working in the family room and kitchen, he decided to lay Tim back down on the couch to finish his nap. He thought about taking him upstairs to his crib, but wanted to be close by when the toddler eventually woke up. Jethro followed him into the living room and watched as the older man laid Tim on the couch and covered him with a blanket. Gibbs kissed him on the forehead and gently brushed his hair to one side. As soon as Gibbs stepped away to tend to the fire, Jethro slinked over, turned in circles and ultimately laid down.

About forty-five minutes later, as Gibbs finished washing the remainder of the breakfast dishes there was a quiet knock on the door. He cringed as a second knock, much louder than the first one, echoed throughout the downstairs. Jethro sprang up from his position near Tim and started barking. Gibbs knew there was no way Timmy would sleep through that noise. Sure enough, as he turned off the water, dried his hands and headed to the family room, a high-pitched "DADA!" originated from his little boy. "Daddy's right here, kiddo." Gibbs tried to reassure him while he made his way in from the kitchen. By the time he reached the youngster, he was sitting in the middle of the couch sobbing. "Dada...Me...Wanna...Muh...Dada," Tim whimpered in between sobs as Gibbs gathered him in his arms.

"Shh...shh...daddy's gotcha." He whispered, rocking back and forth as Tim threw his arms around the older man's neck and buried his face against his shoulder.

Tim flinched when a third knock rattled the door. Gibbs increased his grip around the toddler; soothingly rubbed his back as he walked to the door. "Sweetie, there's nothing to be afraid of, it's only Abby and Ziva. The crazy ladies are in prison, they can't hurt you anymore."

That guarantee quieted Tim a bit, but he was still crying when an irritated Gibbs finally opened the door.

"Hey, Gibbs what took you so..." Abby trailed off as her eyes darted between Gibbs and the toddler whimpering in his arms.

She cringed, "I'm so sorry. We thought you were upstairs and didn't hear us."

Gibbs moved aside, allowing the two of them to step into the house. Once they shed their outerwear, Abby stepped forward and attempted to lay her hand on Tim's back. She was astonished when Gibbs took a step back and put his arm up to block her. He quietly shook his head as a pout formed on the Goth's face. Ziva quickly tried to diffuse the situation, "Let us go start dinner, Abby. We will see Tim in a little while."

"I'm going to take Tim upstairs to get him settled; I would appreciate it if you two would answer the door when the rest of the team arrives."

"Of course, Gibbs." Ziva replied as they grabbed their supplies and headed into the kitchen.

"All right, big boy. I can tell somebody needs a change, let's go take care of that before the rest of the team arrives."

As Gibbs started upstairs he could feel Tim release all the tension in his tiny body. "That's my boy...just relax and know that everyone who is coming over tonight loves and cares about you."

Upon entering the bedroom, Gibbs laid Tim down on the dresser and started their routine. A quick check of his temperature revealed no change and Gibbs was beginning to worry. What if the Greys had spiked his food or drinks and that's what was causing the constant fever? He would definitely be sharing his concerns with Ducky later on. In the meantime the last thing he wanted to do was worry anyone else, especially Timmy.

Tim was growing restless, his face was flushed and he fussed when Gibbs sat him up to administer the Tylenol. "What's wrong, kiddo?" He questioned with a hint of concern in his voice. Over the past week, Tim had rarely misbehaved, but now Gibbs was beginning to see the onset of a tantrum. By the time he was able to screw the lid back on the medicine bottle, Tim was whining as well as kicking his legs and flailing his arms. Gibbs put his hand down on the toddler's belly in an attempt to soothe him.

"Son, I can help you, but only if you tell daddy what's wrong."

"Me no fewl good dada"

Gibbs swallowed the lump in his throat, "I know you don't, buddy." He ran his fingers through Tim's sweaty hair. "Maybe I should tell everyone to come back tomorrow."

Tim shook his head softly, "No, me wanna see em."

Gibbs pulled down Tim's pants to get him changed, not realizing until the smell hit him that the little guy may in fact have the flu. Tim whimpered as Gibbs un-taped the soiled diaper, and then used a hand full of baby wipes to fully clean him up.

The older man raised one eyebrow, "Timmy, does your tummy hurt?"

"Wittle bit," the toddler mumbled, while Gibbs applied the rash cream and a fresh diaper.

"When did that start, was it like that this morning?"

Tim shook his head, "No fewl good afer muh nap."

"Listen to me, I need to know if you start feeling worse, alright? Don't hide it from me because daddy won't be very happy."

Gibbs pulled out his cell phone; "I'm going to see if I can catch Tony before he heads to the store. You're going to need a light dinner tonight."

After three rings, Tony finally picked up the other end of the line. "Hey, Boss...what's going on?"

Holding the cell phone between his ear and shoulder, Gibbs finished pulling up Tim's pants. "DiNozzo, have you been to the store yet?"

"On my way there...why what do you need?"

"I believe Tim may have the flu and his stomach is upset. Do me a favor and pick up some chicken noodle soup, bananas, rice, applesauce, apple juice, crackers and popsicles. While you're there, talk to the pharmacist and see what they recommend for a one year old who has the flu."

Tony sighed, "Oh, I'm sorry Probie's not feeling well, but I'll be sure to add those items to my list. Are you sure he's up for company, boss?"

"He assures me he is, Tony. If he gets worse, we'll just retreat upstairs to my bedroom."

"Sounds good to me, anything else you might need, the roads are getting bad out here."

Gibbs paused, "Pick up another package of diapers and baby wipes while you're there. Don't want to be snowed in without either of those items."

Tony stuttered, "Bu...but...boss I don't know the first thing about diapers."

The older man laughed, "Ask at the pharmacy, Tony. They can point you in the right direction. All you have to remember is size four Pampers."

Tony repeated the items back to Gibbs, "Let me know if you think of anything else. I'll see you in a little bit."

"Thanks, Tony. Be safe out there."

Tim gagged as the smell of fresh garlic and onion wafted through the bedroom as the girls started cooking downstairs. Unsure what would happen next, Gibbs immediately grabbed the wastebasket, pulled the toddler up into a sitting position and situated him over it. He rubbed small circles on Tim's back as his small body trembled. "Just take some deep breathes...there you go...that's my boy."

Following a few moments of deep breathing, Tim regained control of his gag reflex. "Me kay now dada."

Gibbs' raised one eyebrow, "Are you sure?"

The little guy nodded, "Yesh, me sure."

He picked Tim up and headed toward the stairs, "Remember I know everything and if you start to feel worse, I'm going to be able to tell."

Tim giggled, "Me know dada."

They were surprised to see Ducky sitting at the table sipping on a cup of tea when they entered the kitchen.

"Hey, Duck...I didn't even hear you come in."

"Hello Jethro...Timothy," Ducky extended his arms, hopeful Tim would feel comfortable enough to sit with him.

Tim shied away, laying his head against Gibbs' chest, "I think this lil' fella might have the flu." Gibbs announced kissing the top of Tim's head. Abby, Ziva and Ducky all stopped what they were doing and looked toward the duo and frowned.

Ducky stood up immediately, his eyes scrutinizing the young boy "What do you mean, Jethro?"

Gibbs ran his fingers through Tim's hair, "His fever is another degree higher than it was last night and he's complaining that his stomach hurts. There have been other signs as well, but I would rather not discuss them in front of everyone."

Abby stopped slicing vegetables and walked over to the pair. "I'm sorry you're not feeling well Timmy. Do you have other food he can eat for dinner that will be bland enough?"

Gibbs sniffed the air, "What are we having for dinner? It smells wonderful!"

Ziva looked over her shoulder, "We are having grilled chicken breast over pasta along with sautéed vegetables."

Tim scrunched his nose up at her comment. Gibbs chuckled, "The garlic smell made Tim gag earlier so you'll have to excuse him."

"I suppose I can forgive him this time," she joked then winked at him."

Gibbs poured himself a cup of coffee and joined Ducky at the table. "DiNozzo is picking up some items for Tim, while he's at the store. Hopefully I'll be able to get a little food in this guy's tummy."

As the girls finished preparing the food there was a knock at the door. Gibbs started to get up, but Ducky motioned for him to sit back down.

"Ahh something smells good in here!" Tony acknowledged as he and Ducky entered the kitchen, each carrying a few shopping bags and dropped them on the kitchen counter. Abby snickered, "Did you buy the entire store, Tony?"

"No, Gibbs informed me that Timmy isn't feeling well; I got what he asked for and maybe..." He paused then shed his outerwear, "well maybe I got a few other items as well, when did you become the shopping patrol?"

Abby put her hand on his shoulder, "Relax Tony, I was only joking with you."

"Sorry Abs, I don't like the fact that our little guy isn't feeling well."

"Toey?" A faint voice turned everyone's attention toward the kitchen table.

DiNozzo snatched a bag off the counter, pulled out the chair next to Gibbs and sat down.

Tim extended his arms out to Tony; DiNozzo gave him a goofy grin then carefully lifted him onto his lap, "Hey, buddy how are you feeling?"

The toddler shrugged his shoulders, "Mmm kay fir wight now."

Tony picked the bag up off the table and gave it to Tim; "Good I'm glad because I got you a present."

Tim's eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas morning, "Weally? Dis ish fir me?"

"Sure is kiddo, open it up, I can't wait for you to see what it is."

All eyes were on Tim as he opened the bag, peered inside and pulled out a stuffed German Shepard. It was similar in size to the one Jethro ruined earlier in the week and had the same adorable puppy dog eyes.

"Doggy!" Tim squealed, squishing it against his chest.

"I couldn't find the exact dog that was ruined, but when I saw this guy I knew he was the one."

Tim shifted in DiNozzo's lap, threw his arms around his neck and whispered, "Tank u Toey me lube it!"

Tony leaned down and kissed the top of his head, "You're welcome, buddy. Now all you need to do is come up with a name for him."

Gibbs stood up and started unpacking the groceries that DiNozzo had picked up at the store. "How much longer until dinner is ready?"

"We have about ten minutes until the vegetables are done sautéing," Ziva responded keeping a close eye on the bubbling pan in front of her.

"DiNozzo, what the hell is this? Doesn't look like apple juice to me." Gibbs questioned unloading two large bottles of liquids from the bags.

Tony looked over his shoulder, "Oh that's an electrolyte solution, the pharmacist said that would be much better than giving Tim apple juice. It will help keep him hydrated without all the sugar."

"Huh. They have all kinds of new stuff nowadays," Gibbs uttered as he poured some into a bottle and set it on the kitchen table. When Ziva reminded him dinner was almost complete, Gibbs poured a can of soup into a dish, placed it in the microwave and opened a package of crackers for Tim's dinner.

The microwave beeped at the same time Ziva and Abby were removing the last of the vegetables from the pan. They had separated the chicken, pasta and veggies in three different bowls to allow each individual to choose what they wanted on top of their pasta. As they carried the bowls to the table, Ducky commented, "This smells wonderful my dears, I must get the recipe from you before the end of the night."

Abby distributed utensils to each of the three bowls, "You'll have to ask Ziva, it's her recipe. I just helped out where I could."

Ziva blushed, "Actually it is not my recipe, Abby. I got it from my wonderful neighbor, Deb. She is a very sweet lady who checks in on me from time to time. I felt her recipe was appropriate for tonight; it is pasta with grilled chicken and vegetables that have been sautéed in fresh garlic, onion and olive oil."

Gibbs was busy fixing a plate for himself when he looked over to see Tim's arms extended.

He reached over and grabbed the little guy, "Ahh come to daddy, you want to try some soup?"

Tim nodded as the older man checked the temperature then carefully fed a spoonful to the toddler.

"Taste good?"

"Mmm hmm," he mumbled as he lifted a saltine to his mouth and sucked on it."

Dinner was a success; Tim was able to eat an entire bowl of soup along with a few crackers while the others feasted on the culinary skills of Ziva and Abby. The conversation was kept casual; Ducky discussed his train collection and Abby told the team which upcoming concerts she planned on attending.

In a pause during the conversation, Ducky spoke up, " I thought you would all like to know I spoke with the doctor at the prison where they are keeping the Greys."

Gibbs gave him an exasperated look as Tim cowered closer to him.

"Oh dear, I apologize Timothy. I felt it was appropriate to let you know that both women are currently in prison. Apparently the facility they're at has a nursery where prisoners are allowed to keep their babies until the age of two years old. When Ella eventually returns to adulthood, both of them will then be kept in separate prison cells. I wanted to let you know my dear boy that there is no way either one of them will be seeing the outside for a long time to come."

Abby clapped her hands, "Good! Those crazy psychopaths will never be able to do this to anyone else!"

Gibbs squeezed his arm around Tim, "You did good, sweetie. They'll never hurt you again."

Tim blushed and Gibbs was relieved to feel him relax a little bit. Determined to change the subject, Ziva reached across the table and pulled on the tail of the new dog Tony had bought. "Have you decided on a name yet, Tim?"

Hugging the dog close to his chest, Tim nodded, "Yesh, doggy's name ish Hewo."

"Hero, huh? How did you come up with that?"

Suddenly all eyes were focused on Tim, anxious to hear the reasoning behind the choice of name for the dog.

The youngster was quiet for a moment before he unexpectedly clutched Gibbs' hand, "Caush muh dada ish muh Hewo."

A collective set of "Aww's" caused Tim to become embarrassed and he turned so he could bury his face against Gibbs' chest.

Gibbs swallowed the lump in his throat and wiped away a stray tear. He rubbed his hand soothingly down Tim's back, "That my boy is the sweetest gesture anyone has ever done for me." Leaning down he whispered in Tim's ear, "I'm glad I can be your hero, nothing makes me prouder."

Abby and Ziva wiped away tears as they witnessed the genuine love and bond the two of them had formed.

Following dinner, the team congregated in the family room where they enjoyed ice cream and watched a movie together. By the time the movie ended, the roads were impassable and Gibbs rounded up all the stray blankets and pillows he could find. Tim was beginning to flounder as Tony and Abby fought over who was going to get the couch as Ducky, of course staked claim to the second guest room. As Gibbs started to climb the stairs to the bedroom, Tim stopped him and whispered in his ear.

The bickering was so loud amongst them; Gibbs had to whistle to get everyone's attention. Once the shrill noise echoed throughout the room and the commotion died down he spoke, "Tim has something he wants to tell everyone before we go upstairs."

Tim opened his mouth to speak, but closed it again.

Gibbs nudged Tim's cheek with his nose, "Come on, you can do it, kiddo."

The youngster took a deep breath, "Tank u all bery much fah youw hawd wowrk findin' me. I so happy ta be home, lube u all!"

Abby squealed and ran toward the stairs. "Thanks Timmy that means a lot. Can I give you a hug?"

Tim was hesitant at first, but eventually nodded allowing Abby to lean forward, gently wrap her arms around him and squeeze. Before stepping away she grabbed his face between her hands and gave him a kiss on the forehead. He blew kisses to the rest of the team as Gibbs declared it was time for bed and they would see him in the morning.

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