Chapter 35

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Author: HarmonFreak1 PM

When Tim is drugged and reduced to a toddler how will the gang react? Will they be able to change him back or will he have to grow up all

During the drive home, Gibbs carefully navigated through the snowy terrain, while thinking back to the conversation he had earlier with Ducky. The older man wisely told him to cherish the memories they already had, but that didn't mean they couldn't create new ones too. He had an idea for something special they could do together that they could both hold close to their hearts regardless of the future.

A muffled "Dada" brought Gibbs back to reality as they sat at a red light.

Gibbs turned around, using his peripheral vision to keep an eye on the traffic light. "Yeah, kiddo?"

Tim pulled his thumb out of his mouth and clutched Hero against his chest, "U kay?"

The apprehensive look on the toddler's face almost broke his heart. Apparently he wasn't as good at hiding his emotions as he thought he was; or perhaps he was letting his guard down around the little guy. Giving Tim's leg a squeeze of reassurance he nodded, "I'm fine, buddy. Don't worry about me, okay?"

Carefully studying Gibbs' face, Tim smiled and returned his thumb to his mouth. The car horn blaring behind them forced Gibbs to turn back around and start driving. Unfortunately, the drive home took even longer than it had that afternoon. By the time he pulled into the driveway, Tim was already dozing off again. However, when Gibbs opened the door and a big gust of wind blew through the car, Tim jerked wide-awake.

The toddler whimpered as Gibbs fumbled with the seat belt, exposing them both to the wrath of Mother Nature. "I'm sorry, sweetie. I almost got it," he grumbled, as the last buckle was unsnapped. Throwing the diaper bag over one shoulder he picked up the youngster. Tim immediately buried his face against Gibbs' chest, using it to create a shield from the fierce wind. Jethro greeted them at the door, and followed Gibbs as he deposited the toddler on the couch. After removing his jacket, the older man reached down and rubbed the top of the dog's ears. "How's it going boy?" Jethro cocked his head to the side, barked and watched as Gibbs removed Tim's jacket.

The house had cooled down considerably, and the first item on Gibbs' to do list was starting a fire. He ran his fingers through the dog's thick fur "Must be nice to have a permanent coat. Some of us aren't as lucky so let me start a fire then I'll let you outside."

He walked to the fireplace, stacked a set of wood and lit a match. What he didn't notice was that Jethro had made himself comfortable on the couch next to Tim. As he added logs and waited for the fire to start burning a high-pitched squeal caught his attention. Turning around he couldn't help but chuckle at the sight in front of him. Tim was lying on his side, propped up against a pillow, while Jethro straddled him, licking every inch of his face. The uncontrollable laughter was something that had been missing the last few days and Gibbs hoped it was a sign that Tim was feeling better. It wasn't until the dog decided to lean his upper body down on the little guy that he felt the need to intervene.

"All right you crazy dog, let's get you outside." Gibbs laughed as he grabbed Jethro's collar and pulled him off the couch. He was shocked at the amount of drool that graced his little one's face. Before heading to the back door, he picked up Tim and slung him over his shoulder, "Come on, kiddo. Let's get that face cleaned up."

"Bubble?" Timmy joyfully requested as Gibbs opened the door and watched as Jethro happily bounded through the snowdrifts. A blast of cold arctic air caused Tim to shiver and burrow his face into the crook of Gibbs' neck.

"Sorry squirt, what did you say," The older man asked as he sat Tim down on the counter near the sink.

"Me wanna bubble, Gib!"

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