Chapter 12

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After he finished on the phone with Ducky, Tony walked into the kitchen and stopped dead in his tracks. Even though he knew to expect it, nothing could prepare him for what he saw. Tim sat on Gibbs' lap while Ziva fed him a bottle. Tony wasn't sure how long he had been staring but Gibbs finally spoke up.

"Got a problem, DiNozzo?"

Tony gulped "Uh, nope, no problem Boss."

Wondering when his mouth suddenly became so dry, he took a sip of coffee before continuing. "Sorry, it's just going to take me some time to, you know..."

"No, I don't know!" Gibbs firmly responded.

Wiping the sweat from his brow, Tony gave a nervous smile. "To get used to seeing Probie as a youngster. One day he's my best friend and the next, well..."

Tim blushed and suddenly stopped drinking. Gibbs noticed he was extremely uncomfortable and took the bottle from Ziva, placing it on the table.

Tony sat down next to Abby, plopped his elbows on the table and buried his head in his hands.

"You know Tony, I'm sure that you and Tim are still best friends. He's just in an altered state right now. He can still understand what you say and as his best friend he needs you right now."

Tim nodded, then leaned back against Gibbs chest and closed his eyes before speaking, "Toey, I need you. Need all u."

Tony lifted his head, smiled and reached over to pat Tim's knee. "If you need me, then I'm here buddy. I only ask one favor in return."

Gibbs didn't like the direction Tony was headed in, but decided to let him finish.

"I only ask that you try to be more comfortable around the team. I know it must be tough but we are here to support you. Let us protect and take care of you."

Gibbs smiled and looked down at Tim. He picked up the bottle from the table and shook it. "Still thirsty?"

Tim nodded, but before Gibbs could raise it to his lips, his face clenched in pain. "Hurt Gib!"

Abby, Ziva and Tony looked on helplessly; they knew there was nothing they could do to help him.

Gibbs sighed, and gently carded his hands through Tim's hair. "I know kiddo, I know."

"DiNozzo, where the hell is Ducky? I didn't know he was going to take this long or I would have asked Abby to pick some up while she was out."

"Should be here soon, Boss. He stopped to get dinner for all of us."

A few minutes later there was a soft knock at the door. Abby bounded over to let Ducky and Palmer in. Ushering the two inside she whispered, "Glad you two are here, Tim has a headache and he's in a lot of pain. Please tell me you brought the Tylenol, otherwise Gibbs is not going to be happy."

Giving Abby's arm a reassuring squeeze, he replied. "Well of course I did, Abigail. I believe Mr. Palmer is carrying the bag from the pharmacy."

The three walked into the kitchen and Jimmy immediately opened the Tylenol and filled the syringe. Ducky wanted to check Tim over before any medication was administered. Tony got up and scooted the chair over so that Ducky could tend to him.

"Now my boy, let me take a quick look at your forehead, alright?"

Tim nodded slowly while Ducky began examining him. "Can you tell me where your head hurts lad?"

"All over" Tim whispered while Ducky pulled out his pen light to check his eyes.

After a few moments, Ducky pulled back and addressed the team. "I don't believe Timothy has a concussion, just a really bad headache. Tylenol along with a cold compress should help." Jimmy handed the syringe over to Ducky who quickly administered the medication before Tim could object. "There you go young man, the pain should start to subside soon. If it doesn't, then let me know."

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