Chapter 17

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Fifteen minutes had passed since Gibbs and Ziva went upstairs to begin assembling the crib. Tony had turned the television on low, however instead of watching it, he caught himself not being able to keep his eyes off Tim. Tony never considered having children, but this experience was giving him a whole new perspective. Tim suddenly shifted in his arms and opened his eyes. Groggy and incognizant of what was going on, tears began welling up in his eyes before he asked "Where Gib?"

Cursing himself for even turning on the television, Tony attempted to reassure him. "Shh buddy," he whispered while he began carding his fingers through Tim's hair. "Everything is fine, Gibbs and Ziva are setting up the crib upstairs. Why don't you go back to sleep. I'm here for you Timmy."

Tim's eyes were already closing as he mumbled "K Toey" before he stuck his thumb in his mouth and nuzzled closer to him. Tony took a deep breath and exhaled. One crisis averted he thought as he continued to watch television. Forty- five minutes later Gibbs and Ziva quietly descended the stairs, but stopped when they heard snoring coming from the family room. They turned to each other and laughed before continuing the rest of the way. Upon entering the room they were greeted to Tony, asleep with his head resting on the back of the couch with Tim tucked safely against his chest.

Not wanting to wake Tim, Gibbs walked over and gently tapped Tony on the knee. Tony's eyes shot open and he gave a sheepish smile before he whispered, "Hey Boss, I was just resting my eyes." Gibbs smirked "Uh huh, did he give you any trouble?"

Tony reached down and lovingly swept Tim's hair off to one side "Nah, he woke up once looking for you, but I got him to go back to sleep." He said proudly.

Gibbs nodded, "Do you want me to take him?"

Tony thought for a moment, on one hand he would have loved to continue bonding with Tim but he also knew they had work to do. Satisfied that he got a little bit of time with him he nodded, stood up and whispered, "Ziva and I are going back to the office but we'll be back tonight for protection detail. Vance is sending two other agents to guard the outside perimeter." Tony kissed Tim on the forehead before he handed him off to Gibbs. Tim stirred briefly but when Gibbs laid him on his shoulder he instinctively nuzzled his face into Gibbs' neck and sighed. Gibbs patted Tim's bottom and rubbed his back a few times in an effort to lull him back to sleep.

Satisfied Tim was asleep, Gibbs turned serious; "I'm expecting you two to have a name to go with that picture before you even think of showing back up here tonight. Oh, if you see Abby tell her I need to speak with her."

Tony and Ziva glanced at each other before nodding.

"You got it, Boss!"

"We will not let either of you down, Gibbs."

Gibbs took a peek out the window before opening the door. As they stepped outside, Gibbs cleared his throat before he spoke.

"Tony, good job with Tim today. He's going to need you a lot more the next few days."

Tony smiled, "Thanks Boss, I enjoyed it more than I thought I would."

"Ziver, thanks for your help with the crib. Next time there's an opportunity to cuddle with Tim, you're up first."

Ziva grinned "You are welcome Gibbs, I am going to hold you to that."

Gibbs nodded and waited until they were pulling out of the driveway before he headed back inside. He was exhausted after the emotional day they had been through. Gibbs arranged himself on the couch with Tim lying on his chest. Before he knew it, his eyes grew heavy and he followed Tim into a restless sleep.

Tony and Ziva arrived back at NCIS to begin searching for information on their mystery woman. They were both so involved in their work that neither of them noticed Abby standing in the middle of the bullpen. She was anxiously playing with her pigtails, her gaze cast on the floor.

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