Farewell old friend

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Grab some tissues

     Skyler's point of view

I can't move my head is about to explode, my only thought was something bad was about to happen.

My hands where sweating, and my heartbeat sped up there was no way my brother had survived out there by his self, I shivered the person who brought him back was going to want something in return and it's gonna lead to something I feel it nothing is free that's like the most know fact of life.

my legs wouldn't let me move, its like whatever this was wanted me to watch the bloody master piece unfold.

feeling came back and I walked to the door, the man who had brought Ethan back was talking to Dakota.

Ethan stared at me, he was mouthing something I couldn't understand.

the man whistled and Daria was placed on the floor in front of us, "now I give you what you want in exchange for what I want I suggest we finish this conversation in your office" the man chuckled staring at me.

Dakota nodded motioning for me to take Daria to his mother as he followed after the man who gave me a devilish wink while he walked up the stairs.

the man's guards stared at us with blank faces, they stood in front of the door waiting for something.

Ethan was still trying to signal at me and I slowly started to understand what he was saying causing my eyes to go wide he then rushed out side to warn the others.
         Dakota's pov
I sat down in my chair waiting for Abraham to offer up his proposition, he smiled at me calmly he said "I want everything you have, I want your pack, I want your property, I want your title, and I even want your mate."

I laughed at him "well you'll just have to pry it from my cold, dead finger cause I'm not giving you anything." I said bored already in defense watching silently as he started loosing his temper clenching his fists and mumbling to his self.

In the rush of the moment he grabbed me and banged my head against the desk roughly, I tried to push him off but he was stronger than I thought.

he grabbed my hair and slammed my head against the desk again harder, my nose was bleeding by now I could barely move, barely fight back.

with as much strength as I could I punched Abraham in the throat, causing him to gurgle and loose his footing, I then tackled him punching him as hard as I could again and again I then wrapped my hands around his throat chocking him his eyes went wide and started to water as he clawed at my hands desperately trying to get them off, with little choices he had left he shifted and the force of his shift knocked me off of him, the disgusting   smell of rouge hit me hard and I had get shield my nose.

I heard a shriek come from down stairs and my only thought was of my mate, taking my eyes off of Abraham I didn't notice the impact of his claws sink deep into my side.

he then bit me going straight for the throat I couldn't move, I'm too weak to shift.

with the little strength I had left I pushed him off.

the door burst open and in ran Aaron, and Justin they saw the situation I was in and quickly started to fight off Abraham, it was no use my throat felt as though it where on fire and my strength had been sucked out of me, I felt blood rush up and fill my mouth until I was chocking and gurgling on it my body shook and I felt my entire body shift into darkness.

          Sky's pov
Pain, sharp pain, unbearable pain shot through my throat it hurt so bad I had to stop running.

it was as if a war sign had been signaled because all of a sudden a whole pack of angry adrenaline rushed wolfs came bursting through the pack lines, I had done my best to get Daria to safety and had hid with her I know it's cowardly but I'm not a fighter, I know I killed someone but I had a reason I can't just kill people just to do it.

that's when I felt the pain in my throat now I'm running to Dakota's office, I have to make sure he is okay I have to know he's still alive.

that's when I saw him laying on the floor blood dripping from his mouth his eyes rolled to the back of his head, and his body shaking all that can be heard is the gurgling of blood from his throat.

I slapped my hand over my mouth fighting back the tears whispering to myself.

"this can't be real it's a dream a stupid dream that I need to wake up from right now."

the tears flowed down my face as I held my dying mate to my chest.

please don't died cried out  repeating it in my head over and over trying so desperately not to sob in pain.

wake up I yelled at my self in my head pinching away at my skin, the others in the room a faded memory.

"wake up" I yelled at myself so desperate to know this was all just a dream, but I didn't wake up it wasn't a dream.

Dakota's heart stopped beating and my world stopped turning, as my mate my everything, my best friend, my partner in crime died in my arms.

I felt my body shaking and a scream leave my throat, the tears making my vision blurry.

my brother was probably dead too, everyone I know probably dead, but none of it mattered because un doubtfully I'm gonna be dead soon.

I shouldn't have left his side, I should have told him I loved him.

I felt someone pulling and tugging at me trying to get me off there perished alpha, but I refused to move.

I won't move, I can't move my legs refuse it.

I was sobbing now running my hands through his hair, and trying so desperately to make him come back to me.

but he wasn't coming back, he was gone and every piece of my sanity had went with him.

fatigue hit me hard and I felt the darkness suck me in until the world faded into distant color and hushed voices...
Next chapter is the epilogue hope I didn't make any of you cry........ To much 😉

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