Chapter 2

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Ikuto/ Takumi's POV

As soon as I reached my apartment, I went to the fridge to see what I can cook for some dinner.

Damn, I didn't buy any groceries, I thought.

I grabbed the keys to the apartment and my wallet and went out the door.

I had some time before dinner, so I went for a walk first. The weather was really nice. It was mostly sunny with a slight breeze. It was early October, so it should be getting colder soon. "Right?" I asked myself. I just came from Japan, so the seasons are all mixed up. Oh well, I thought.

I was just walking by the park when I saw two little kids crying. They spotted me and came running towards me.

"Do you know where mommy is?" the little girl with blonde hair and blue eyes asks me.

"Yeah, she's didn't come back for hours," the little boy with black hair and blue eyes asks me.

"I didn't see her, do you want me to help you find her?" I ask them in my oh-so-sweet voice.

An older girl who looks about 13 comes up to me and rolls her golden brown eyes, "Mom's working you bakas, she'll come back to pick us up when she's done."

"But she's been gone for hours," the boy states in a worried tone.

"This is not the first time," the older girl mutters under her breath.

"How long has she been gone?" I ask.

"She dropped us off here at the park at 3:30," the older girl checks her watch, "it's 7 now. I can't believe I have to take care of these idiots."

The little ones looked worried and I thought I should take their mind off their mom. "You guys must be hungry then. Do you want to eat and then I'll help you find your mom."

"She's just working! She'll come to pick us up at 8:30," the older one protests.

"I'll take you out to eat," I said. The older one raises an eyebrow.

"Don't worry, It's not like I'm trying to kidnap you," I said to her. "Do you still want to take care of these two alone or shall I help," I asked her in a teasing tone.

"Fine! Where are we going?" she huffed. Now who does that remind you of?

"A restaurant. Let's go," I told them.

We were walking for about fifteen minutes in silence so I decided to make conversation.

"So, what're your names?" I asked them.

"My name's Amaya, but everyone calls me Maya," the little girl announced happily.

"My name's Kazumi," the older girl said grumpily.

"And this is my twin brother, Ichigo," Maya said gesturing to the little boy. "We're five years old and my sister is thirteen."

"Don't tell the stranger everything baka," Kazumi said to Maya.

We were walking for awhile until we spotted a restaurant on the very edge of Edison called Strawberry Skies. Kazumi instantly paled. All the color drained from her face.

"Uhh… how about we go somewhere else?" she asked.

"Nah, we're already here. Come on, let's go inside," I said.

"No.. we can't. Please let's just go somewhere else," she begged.

"Come on," I said as I took the two twins with me inside. "You don't want to leave your siblings with me alone, do you?" I asked Kazumi with a grin. She reluctantly followed me inside.

We got a table at the far end of the restaurant. I checked the menu. "This restaurant does co-splay," I smirked.

"Yeah," Kazumi muttered.

Our heads were all bowed down as we read the menu, when a waitress came up to us.

"May I take your order?" Misaki asked them.

Misaki's POV

Oh my gosh, I thought. I can't believe the vice principal's here. This is so embarrassing. My cheeks turned a violent shade of red as I saw my kids with Ikuto Takumi.

"What are you guys doing here with him?" I snapped at my kids.

"These kids were waiting for their mom to come back from work and they looked hungry, so I decided to take them out to eat. Do you know them?" Ikuto asked me.

"Yeah, they're…." I glanced at the twins, "my kids," I told him. They're not mine. They're my niece and nephew. I take care of them since their mother/my sister died. Kazumi knows this, but the twins don't.

He smirked that really irritating smirk, "..and why are you here?"

"What does it look like? I work here as a waitress," I told him. "Please don't tell anyone. No one knows," I beg him.

"Not even Megan?" he asked me.

"No," I said sheepishly, my cheeks turning pink. I remember almost the same thing happened back in Japan. Usui Takumi found out I was working at a maid café and he kept my secret. I felt my cheeks turn redder at the thought.

"Oh I know why she's turning red," Maya announced happily. "The guy she loved found out she was a maid when she was back in Japan. I bet you she's thinking of him right now." Oh, why did I tell them about him? I thought.

"N-n-no I w-wasn't," I stammered.

"Oh really?" I asked her.

"N-no I wasn't thinking of him!" I exclaimed.

"And you worked as a maid in Japan?" Ikuto asked.

My face was turning redder by the minute. "What would you like to order?" I asked again.

He chuckled, "Okay, fine we'll leave the subject."

Ikuto/ Takumi's POV

I walked them back to their house and headed back to my apartment. Now Inow where she lives, I thought. Hmmm it's been a while since I stalked her, Igrinned to myself. She's so interesting. She always has the oddest jobs. Amaid, principal, and now a waitress. And it's so funny when the subject of mecomes up. I hope she still loves me. If she doesn't…. I swear I'll go and kill myself.

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