Chapter 6

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Misaki's POV

I walk into the restaurant that I work at, Strawberry Skies,and walk to my manager.

"Hi, Sitwat," I brightly greeted her.

"Misaki! How was work to day?" she asked. I think back to the announcement about the new superintendent and how that pretty much put me in a horrible mood for the rest of the day…

"It was great!" I said cheerfully.

"Great! It's 5:00," she said. "You're shift starts in a half an hour. I have an announcement, so everyone's waiting in the room in the back." Apparently, my shift is during the dinner rush, which is the worst rush of the day. The dinner rush starts at 7:00, so I have time. I usually come early, so I can relax with some of my friends here at the restaurant.

I walk over to the break room, where we usually sit for breaks and when we don't have any customers, yet. I greeted everyone and sit around and listen to the town gossip.

"So, there's this new superintendent for us and he's making us work extra hard. He changed the curriculum for my students and they're having a very hard time trying to bring their grades up!" one of the employees complained. She's a teacher at another school in the district. "Did you hear about him, Misaki?" she asked me.

"Yeah, I'm afraid he's planning to make my life miserable," I said frowning.

"You know him?" she asked me.

"Yeah, Kim. Remember I told you all that in Japan there was that president of the stupid rich kid school?" I asked. They nodded. They love listening to my stories about Japan. They find my life especially interesting, when really it's very aggravating. "Same guy."

"Really? That sucks for you," Kim said to me.

"I agree," the others nodded in agreement. Right then our manager, Sitwat, walked in.

"Hey, everyone!" she says. "Remember we were looking for an extra cook?" she asked. Everyone shakes their heads. It's true; we were never looking for an extra cook. "We weren't," she frowns. "Oh, well, it doesn't matter. I got us an extra cook and this guy cooks great!" she exclaims. (A/n: Guess who the new cook is!) I have an awkward feeling in my tummy, now. I have a feeling that this is not going to be exactly great.

A man walks through the door and I recognize him immediately. I groan. He smirks in my direction.

"Hi, Misa-chan!" he said in an annoying sing song voice.

"You know this guy?" Lewis, another cook, asked.

"Yeah, he's the new vice-principal in my school," I said, my eyes twitching.

"Excellent! You guys know each other! Well, the next shift starts in 20 minutes. Ikuto introduce yourself to your new friends!" she says in an equally annoying sing song voice. I swear this girl gets on my nerves too much. But, she's still my manager. She left the room leaving us with the newbie.

"So, how well do you cook?" Lewis asked.

"I cook really good! I'll show you," he replied. He and the other cooks left the room to go to the kitchen. I rolled my eyes. He can't be that great. Well, at least not as great as... Takumi. I smile, I remember his cooking. It was really good. Delicious, even. I shake my head. I have to shake the thought out of my head. He's long gone now. He probably doesn't even remember me. (A/n: If only you knew.)

The rest of my shift went by quickly. We close at 9:00. I usually leave at 8:30, but, today, I extended my shift until closing time. At 9, everyone went to the break room because Sitwat had another announcement for us.

"Okay, so the last week of October we're closing the restaurant temporarily for a week. During that time, we'll be going on vacation. My sister has just recently opened a restaurant in the upper part of the state of New York. I agreed to help her out there because she has next to no employees so far. So, we're going on a trip. You all are welcome to bring your families. Anyone, think that they can't go?" she explained/asked.

"What are the dates we're going to be gone?" I asked.

"Hmm," she took out her agenda. "October 25 to November 2." That worked. The schools had Fall Break from October 26 to November 5. I'll just call in sick for October 25 or something.

"Yeah, I think I can make it."

"Okay, everyone talk with your families and come and report to me at you next shift, 'mkay?" she asked. Everyone nodded their heads and we were allowed to leave.

While I walked home, Ikuto drove by.

"Come on in," he yelled from inside of the car.

"I'm perfectly fine walking, thank you," I said.

"Aww, Misa-chan, it's chilly outside. I don't want you getting sick." Well, it was cold, but I'm independent. If he kept showing up like this, I might have to depend on him.

"No, it's alright," I shrugged him off. He parked the car, picked me up, flung me over his shoulder, and ran back to his car.

"What the- Put me down, you baka Ikuto," I screamed and struggled to get out of his grip. He dropped me in the car and drove off before I could get out. "Idiot," I muttered. He smiled.

"Are you going on the trip?" he asked.

"Well, I don't know. The kids…" I trailed off.

"Just bring them. I'm going," he said encouragingly.

"Yeah, the fact that you're going really makes me wanna go," I said sarcastically. He pulled over in front of my house. He took my face in his hands.

"Of course it does," he says. I hoped he didn't see that all the blood rushed to my face.

"Idiot," I muttered and walked out of the car.

"See ya tomorrow, Misa-chan," he said in a child voice.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you not to call me that," I said.

"Why not?" he pouted.

"You can really act like a child, you know," I said. "Bye, Ikuto," I said smiling.

"Bye," he replied.

A/n: I just got an idea! What if Usui never tells Misaki that it's really him and she just ends up with Ikuto? Who wants that to happen? Please review, favorite, and/or subsribe! Thanks to anyone who did! Love ya!

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