Chapter 7

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Let's Pretend That Never Happened

Hamilton's POV

I woke up in John's arms. Normally that would be a cute thing, after all it's our honeymoon, but I kinda ruined it by freaking the fuck out.

I tried to wriggle out, but he held on tighter. Aww... No! Not the time, Alexander. I finally managed to get up. I scribbled a note.

Dear John, From Alex

Isn't that a chick flick or something? Oh well, forget it. Also, forget last night. K, that sounds mean and I don't have an eraser, but you get what I mean. I'm sorry for freaking out, let's just pretend it never happened. Sorry for ruining our honeymoon. So... Sex tonight??

I scribbled that last part out. John decided this was the perfect moment to wake up.

"Alex?" He said groggily. "When did- When did you wake up? You okay?"

I sighed and crumpled up the note. "Yeah, I'm fine. Let's pretend that last night didn't happen, and get freaky, yeah?"

He rubbed his eyes. "Alex, you don't have to be embarrassed. It's just that you have an anxiety attack! There's nothing wrong with that."

"No, I didn't. I just freaked out. So... Sex now?"

Burr's POV

I sat down to finally tell Theodosia about what happened. I'm a man of honor, I can't lie to her anymore.

"Theodosia, I have something I want to say. I made a huge mistake, and this may alter our relationship. A lot." I said, and she sat down.

"I have news, too!" Theodosia said smiling. "I think mine's more important than yours though."

"I doubt it." I muttered.

"Okay, here it goes... I'm pregnant!"

I stared at her in shock. "W-what now? You're pregnant?" She nodded.

"But what about... You? Won't it be risky with you being sick and all?" I asked hesitantly.

"Well... Yeah! But I'm willing to fight for our baby. I'm willing to fight for us!" She said happily, and kissed me.

I'm a terrible person.

Peggy's POV

"So then I said, rectum? Damn near-" My horrible joke I stole for Alex was interrupted by somebody knocking at the door.

Lafayette opened the door.

"Burr?" He asked. "Well, I see you still have your accent. I need your advice. You're my only friends. Please" said Burr, and walked in.

Wait, we're his only friends? We're not even his friends! Ha, nerd. Kinda feel bad for him though.

"I heard you and Theodosia moved to New Jersey?" Said Angie.

"Well I heard, you got a special someone on the side Burr." Said Hercules, and I hit his arm.

"I do." He said, and I laughed. "But I'm afraid it's terrible. Almost unlawful." He said grimacing.

"What do you mean?" Eliza asked, laughing.

"She's pregnant." My smile dropped.

"Oh... I see." Said Lafayette.

"It's mine." Burr said, and I held back a gasp.

"You know what? I'll just be going now." He said, and ran out.

Laurens's POV

*refer to the picture at the top for this to make sense*

I was in the middle of making out with Alex when I saw a couch on top of the doorway?

I pulled apart. "What's wrong?" He asked, and backed away a little. I pointed up there.

"There's like... A giant sitting area up there with no way to access it." I said, and whipped out my phone to put it on Snapchat.

"Oh yeah, cool." Said Alex, uninterested, then resumed kissing me.

He pulled apart this time.

"Wait... Seriously?" He said, and looked up there.

"Yeah! It's like- What are you doing?"

Alex was trying to climb up to the top, and I laughed. "You're like... 5'7! Get down!" I said while laughing.

He started swinging from the chandelier. Not the stupid song, he was actually fucking swinging for the ceiling light.

"I'm 5'9, and I can do it myse-" He said, before falling to the ground.

Peggy's POV

[Group Chat Name: meme team 🐢🐢🐢]

marriedgay™: Hey, coming home from our honeymoon a day early. Alex fell from a fucking six foot chandelier

anDPEGGY: you dumbass

CinnamonRoll: Oh my god, is he okay?


Lafgayette: this conversation is going on Twitter

HORSEFUCKER: I'm so done.

marriedbi™: Yeah, I'm fine. Just pissed.

marriedgay™: He's just mad he can't get laid on the plane. We also don't know if he's done, because he refused to go to the doctor.



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