Chapter 40

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(sorry this is so short and took so long to upload I've been really busy lol my bad dudes)

Alex's POV

I woke up to the smell of coffee. Real coffee, not the over priced and incredibly sugar Starbucks shit that John likes.

"Hey baby girl, good morning." he said sweetly and I smiled.

"Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy." I said sleepily.

"You gotta wake up baby, it's 9 AM. I know you get mad when you sleep in during your days off work." he said, and I groaned. He was right.

"Okay," I said, rubbing my eyes "maybe we can go to the zoo or some shit with the kids today."

"Uh... about that. Technically we have three kids now." said John, and I laughed.

"Baby, stop saying that Laf's our child. It's kinda creepy now that we're, like, old."

John sighed. "Look, I don't know how to tell you this, but John Adams called last night. He sounded really distraught and told me that he has to have an emergency placement of a three year old girl, and I couldn't live with myself if I willingly let a kid go into a broken system when I could've done something about it." he said, but I just stared at him.

"Anyway, we'll be fostering her for a while. Her name is Frances, she's 3 years old, and apparently incredibly gifted. I'm sorry I made this decision without you, but—"

"Making a decision without me?" I asked. "Making a decision without me is like getting those stupid Kale Chips you like instead of Cheetos. This is not a decision, this is something that could impact our lives forever! What about Philip and Angelica, did you think of them?"

I scowled as the warm coffee's flavor went from a savory Chestnut Dark Roast to a bitter aftertaste of betrayal.

"Baby, I'm sorry, but I couldn't just leave her. We have the opportunity to give an incredibly smart child a better life and a better future." he said, and my grimace softened. He really was trying to help, even if he did it in the most dumbass way possible.

I sighed. "Okay, but we need to talk it over with Philip and Angelica first. If they're really upset about it, we're calling Adams and clearing up this whole situation. Do I make myself clear?" I said sternly.

"Yep!" he said, and excitedly ran to the kitchen.

I sighed yet again. What the fuck did I just get myself into?

Philip's POV

"So... another kid is gonna be staying here?" I asked.

"Uh... yes." said my dads at the same time.

"Oh. Okay. Does she like Marvel?" I asked.

"Does she like musicals?" asked Angie.

"Uh... I don't know" said dad.

"Oh. Okay." I said, disappointed.

"Lame." whispered Angelica.

"So, this isn't a permanent thing, but she will be staying with us for a while. But you understand that Frances might be a little sad, scared, or angry, right?" asked Pops, and we nodded as the doorbell rang.

"Oh shit. I think that's her." said Dad.


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