Chapter 17

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(Ok so I'm going to be referring to 'original' Theodosia as Theodosia, and I'll refer to Theodosia JR. as Theo to make it easier, if that makes sense.)

John's POV

[Group Chat Name: Operation Baguette]

HORSEFUCKER: I bought a ring.

SinnamonRoll: You bought a ring!!

HORSEFUCKER: I picked out a place to propose to him.

marriedgay™: You picked out a place!!

HORSEFUCKER: He's gonna say no.

CinnamonRoll: He's gonna say no!!

CinnamonRoll: wait what

HORSEFUCKER: Why would he say yes to a guy like me? My name is literally HORSEFUCKER. I'm just like a summer fling that's been dragged out for too long. He doesn't want to marry me.

CinnamonRoll: You're the best horse fucker in the world. We love you and so does Laf. He'd love you even if you proposed to him with a ring pop in a public bathroom.


BESTHORSEFUCKERINTHEWORLD: Who the fuck changed my name.

CinnamonRoll: 🙋🏻🙋🏻🙋🏻

BESTHORSEFUCKERINTHEWORLD: Guys, stop. He doesn't like me. Okay?

BESTHORSEFUCKERINTHEWORLD: Maybe he'll break up with me at Philip's birthday party. Perfect break up location.

marriedgay™: no???? ?  ???? he won't????????? He loves you.

SinnamonRoll: You better not be getting cold feet.


aNDPEGGY: What the fuck guys it's 4 AM.

aNDPEGGY: Why the fuck are you  all up?

aNDPEGGY: And why the fuck do you think he doesn't love you like the boys head over fucking heels for you. I know that's a really fucking outdated phrase but fucking seriously. He literally sent me a text the other day asking me what kind of fucking brand of fucking thread you like to give you a gift. What the fuck. Who loves someone that much that they go out of their way to get them some high-quality over-priced stretched cotton? Laf. That's fucking who. He fucking loves you. Now I'm going the fuck to sleep, because I say fuck too much when I'm fucking tired. Get the fuck out with ya he doesn't love me fucking bullshit you fucking turd. Fuck you. Peggy mother fucking out. ✌🏿✌🏿️

BESTHORSEFUCKERINTHEWORLD: Ok first of all, it's not just over priced stretched cotton.

BESTHORSEFUCKERINTHEWORLD: Second of all, why you gotta say fuck so much.


BESTHORSEFUCKERINTHEWORLD: Fourth, I have never had someone tell me something so nice so meanly. Thank you.

BESTHORSEFUCKERINTHEWORLD: Fifth, where the fuck is Alex?? I know he's not sleeping.


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