Chapter 32

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(Kinda short tbh but oh well)

Herc's POV

Laf sat next to me on the couch. "Okay, what the fuck was that?"

I looked down. "I don't know." I said.

He grabbed my hand and tilted my chin up. "Who was that? Please tell me. I want to help."

I scratched the back of my neck. "It was this guy, Hugh, I went to high school with him." I looked up at Laf before continuing,

"We used to be best friends, with this other guy named Charles. We made some questionable decisions. That's it. I was a fucking asshole, and I don't even know why he wants to talk, because I was the shittiest person aliv-"

"Non! Herc, everybody fucks up. You were like 15. He sounded happy, I'm sure he forgives you for whatever. It's like the Hannah Montana, everybody makes mistakes. Everybody has those days. Are you going to be okay?" Laf asked, doing the classic concerned head tilt.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just need some time alone." I said, and got up to put on my jacket.

"You sure?" He asked, unconvinced, as I opened the door.

I gave a half-smile. "Positive. I just need to be alone."

"Okay. If you're ever ready to talk I'm here."

John's POV

"Babe! Philip has 25 star stickers on the potty chart! He's fully trained! Time to burn the diapers!" I yelled as I ran down the hallway, carrying Philip.

"Yay! Poop!" He yelled.

"Oh, yeah, that's nice babe." I heard Alex half-heartedly say as his voice cracked.

"Did you hear me? Pay attention Alex, our lil philly is becoming a big bo-" I said, before I noticed him sitting at the table.

His hair was falling out of it's ponytail, he had tears running down his face, and his hands shook as he clutched a letter, so I set Philip down on the floor.

"Hey, babe, what's wrong? Come on Lexi, talk to me, what are you reading?"

"I'm sorry, I should've waited for you to read it." He said, eyes wide.

I grabbed the paper from him.

Dear Alexander and John Hamilton,

It is with great joy I say that you have been approved to adopt a child. You have been matched with a child. There is more information below.

John Adams

Name: Angelica Stephens
DOB: 8-25-2019
Age: 9 months 3 days
Race: African American
Born premature due to smoking while pregnant.
Responds best to male figures.
Slightly late developing.

Your caseworker will arrive at your home soon to discuss his/her placement in your home. Please have a room ready. You will meet the child shortly.

After that it was just forms we had to sign.

"We got approved?" I asked, with tears in my eyes.

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