Chapter 15

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Baby Lace

Alex's POV

I watched the News, which seems pretty horrible, but I'm doing it for good reasons.

Washington stood there wearing some fancy suit and tie.

"I would now, take this moment, to confirm. I am indeed in the running for the presidential Democratic race." He said, and everybody cheered, and I'm pretty sure some racist old guys boo'd, but whatever.

Then balloons came down, and he started playing in them while Martha tried to drag him away, so I turned the TV off to avoid any further embarrassment.

"Wow." Said John. Philip was sitting on his lap, and really did not give a shit.

"Yeah." I agreed.

"I can't believe our old professor is running for president."

"I know, it's so crazy."

No less than thirty minutes later, I got a call from Washington.

"Hello? Hamilton? Yeah. I'd like you to be on my campaign team. You in or out, S-Young Man?"

I looked over at John, who was happily watching the screen, some documentary about turtles. He's such a cinnamon roll.

I love him so much. And I can't take on another job, I need to focus on my family. But we need some money, and I wanna be in the campaign so I guess I'm doing this... Sorry bro.

"It would be an honor, I'm in." I said, a little shakily.

"Good. We start tomorrow. Please tell John I said hi, and good luck with your family."

"Will do." I said, and hung up.

I was about to tell John the good news, but I saw turtles humping ok the screen.

"OH MY GOD!" I screamed. "COVER HIS EYES, JOHN!"

"It's the beauty of nature!"


John's POV

So, Alex has been in the campaign for 2 weeks, And he's already ignoring everybody, So not good.

I walked into his office.

"Hey babe. You've been looking at your laptop for eight hours. I know you're writing political essays and stuff but... Take a break, baby."

I moved towards him, and he didn't respond, just typed.

"Babe... Please? You're gonna make yourself sick. Philip wants his dad." That was a lie, because he was sleeping and couldn't care less, but...Nope, still typing.

"I'll uh... I'll eat your ass if you take a break?" I said.

Nope. Still no response. Damn, that usually works.

I finally just took the laptop from him. "Hey!" He screamed, coming out of his daze.

I put it on a 6'0 shelf because he's a shortie and can't reach. Ha.

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