Chapter 19

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Good Bye

(Just to be clear: I'm not actually finishing the book that's the title of the chapter lol

(It's also not angsty)


(Also chapter is kinda NSFW idk)

John's POV

Philip was taking a nap in his room, and Alex and I were making out on the couch, 'Stranger Things' being abandoned in the background.

Like, as much as I like the show, touching my husband's ass is way better than finding some missing kid.

"We should-" Said Alex and gasped when I bit down lightly on his neck. "G-go to the bedroom."

"Yeah. We probably should." I said, and took off both our shirts, and Alex moaned into my shoulder.

Just as I shoved my hand down his pants, Laf and the rest of the meme team walked through the door.

"Guys! I'm here! Quit being gay!" Yelled Laf, and then threw a pillow at us, and casually sat down on our couch.

I awkwardly removed my hand from Alex's pants, and he just sat there blushing.

I groaned. "I daily regret giving y'all a key to my apartment."

"Y'all?" Asked Peggy.

"S-Shut up." I said.

"Hey, why were you even having sex on the couch in front of a door? That's a little too kinky, dude." Asked Lafayette, and laughed.

Alex sighed. "He's scared we're gonna wake up Philip and then scar him forever."

"Wait, what? Didn't you guys have sex behind a bush in Central Park once?" Asked Lafayette, and everyone erupted into laughter.

"LAF! Shut up! You're the only one I ever told about that!" Alex yelled.

Laf snorted.

"Plus, we also have to get all the sexy times in if I'm gonna be gone for a week." I said, and rolled my eyes.

Peggy raised an eyebrow. "How many times do you guys even have sex a week?"

I shrugged. "Like eight." Alex said, and they looked at us with their jaws open.

"What?... Is that like... too much?" I asked.

"Alex... How has your asshole not killed itself yet?" Asked Angelica.

"Whatever. Back to roasting Laf-"

"We were never roasting him, we were roasting you."

"Besides, I'm sure there are plenty of secrets about you that I know that you probably wouldn't want shared with the world!" Alex yelled more, and Laf snorted again.

"Go on. Try me. I'm an open book."

"Um... You used to operate a phone sex line?"

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