Chapter I: Life on Jakku

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Warning, this is an AU, but it still contains spoilers for "Star Wars The Force Awakens" so please go see the movie first, and then read this story, thank you.

The visions of murder, death, the number of Jedi killed by the red bladed lightsaber that was wielded by the leader of The Knights of Ren. That was when Jacen Skywalker,  the son of the legendary Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, immediately woke up. Every exhausting breath he takes, every drop of sweat coming down from his skin, every ounce of fear haunting him in his sleep. As he decided to get out of his bed, he grabbed his light green shirt, similar to what his dad wore when he was a farm boy, then he puts on his dark brown leather boots over his brown pants, and his brown leather bag secretly carrying a lightsaber. Jacen wasn't born force sensitive, but he was highly skilled with a lightsaber. He took a good look at the lightsaber, remembering the days of the New Jedi Order, but that doesn't exist anymore, that was because of his cousin, and best friend, who became the monster known as Kylo Ren.

"Ben, I'm sorry." He thought to himself. Jacen knew it would make the nightmares worse, so he puts the lightsaber back in his bag, and grabs a scavenger staff. He had to get to the village and prepare for work. He also needed to fulfill the promise he made to his father when he left him on Jakku. He made a promise to protect her, no matter what the cost. As he hops on to his land-speeder, he gets the engine running, and drives over the sand dunes of the desert planet. He could feel the wind blowing through his shaggy brown hair, good thing there wasn't a sandstorm. As he finally made his stop, he hops off his speeder, walks into a blacksmith shop, took off his jacket, and his bag, puts on his black smith apron, and got to work. Jacen works at a place where scavengers get their staff, he gets to repair broken staffs that scavengers used. Unfortunately it was a thing that rarely happens, and was paid a very minimal of credits. The only good part about this job is that Jacen gets to help people, he just wished that it wasn't expensive for the poor scavengers. Luckily for Jacen, a Rodian came up to him with a staff that has been split in two. He puts the broken pieces on Jacen's station, along with 200 credits. Jacen could tell that the poor Rodian has been saving that amount in case an emergency like this ever happened.

"Don't worry sir, I'll have that fixed in no time." Said Jacen with a kind gesture.

The Rodian thanks him, as Jacen prepares to grab a small metal plate, and heat it up in the fire, then he grabbed one of his many tools to grab the plate out of the fire and gently places it on the broken pieces of the staff, then he presses the two broken pieces together on the heated plate, and wraps it around the almost fixed staff, then he climbs up the ladder next to the giant bucket of cooling oil and gently puts the staff in, and cools down the heated area, which bonds the metal plate to the staff. It was wet, so he had to dry it with a towel. After he finally dried it, he places the newly fixed staff on to the pickup section where the Rodian was waiting. Jacen gives the staff to the Rodian. The Rodian seemed very happy with the results.

"Take care." Jacen said to the Rodian, who thanks him again, and walks away, ready to get back to scavenging.

As Jacen grabs another towel to wipe the sweat off his face, he saw her. He saw the scavenger pulling a net from her speeder, which was full of metal parts. He wanted to help but he was then confronted by a Kyuzo, who was wearing a red shady hat with green in the middle, with a grayish tan bandanna around his mouth, and was holding a staff with a blade attached to it. He then banged the bottom of his staff to the sandy ground.

"Back to work!" The Kyuzo shouted,

"Yes Constable Zuvio sir." said Jacen, who went back to his station and prepared to fix more staffs, or sell one to a new scavenger, which both rarely happen...

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