Chapter XV: Forest Duel

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As the ship lands on the raining planet, Both Jacen and Kara rush out of the ship door as it opens. Jedi bodies lying on the floor, dead. Jacen kneels down and feels the neck for a pulse, but nothing.

"I hope my father is ok." Jacen said fearfully.

"I'm pretty sure he can take care of himself Jacen." Said Kara, also hoping Luke survived, but then a scream was heard. They then both activated their lightsabers and split up in two different directions. All Jacen can see we're dead Jedi bodies lying on the floor. Everything Luke has accomplished, all gone. Jacen then turned around and saw a group of men wearing dark robes and masks to hide their identities. One of them however was carrying a odd like lightsaber, with an illuminating and unstable red blade, with small red blades on each side. Jacen readied his weapon, but as the others activated their blasters and electro staffs, the man with the lightsaber used the force to throw it out of Jacen's hands, retracting the blue blade.

"Weapons down!" The man with the lightsaber ordered, as he turns off his blade, and took off his mask. Jacen was suprised to find out who it was.

"Ben?" Jacen asked as the thunder strikes in the sky.

", Ben is gone." He said.

"Ben....what did you do?" Jacen asked in fear.

"I became stronger, and now serve the First Order..." Said Ben, whatever the First Order was, it seems to be a new Empire, the Resistances biggest fears have come to realize. "Kill him." Said Ben, as two of the dark robed men in masks aimed their blasters at him, but a green blade swung against their heads as they both fall to the ground. Before Jacen could realize it, Kara was standing in front of him, swinging her green blade against Ben, who ignites his fiery red blade and deflects her green one, sparks of red and green blinded the area, reflecting in the rain, Kylo then parries Kara's lightsaber, landing in front of Jacen and stabs her in the stomach.

"Kara!" Jacen yelled as Ben pulls his blade, and uses the force to throw her into the darkness, never to be seen again. A furious Jacen then grabs Kara's lightsaber, igniting the green blade and locked blades with Ben's red one. All Ben did was block Jacen's attacks, he then force pushes Jacen to the ground. Ben walks closer to Jacen, stepping on his arm so Jacen couldn't get his lightsaber, but just before Ben could make the final move a green blade flew around behind Ben, knocking his lightsaber out of his hands. The spinning green blade then flew back to a robed figure, grabbing the hilt with his cybernetic hand, it was Luke.

"Get away from my son!" Luke shouted powerfully as Ben then force pulls his lightsaber and ignites his red blade, and leapt towards Luke, causing another duel to take place in the rain, as the blades lock into each other, Ben pushes his lightsaber along with Luke's own blade against him. "Ben snap out of it!" Luke yelled. "This isn't you!"

"Ben Solo is no more Skywalker!" Ben yelled. "My Kylo Ren!" Luke then force pushes Ben, sending him flying back into his masked army, knocking them all down to the ground, as soon as Ben and his men got up, Both Luke and Jacen were gone in a flash.

"Find and grab the girl." Kylo ordered, as two of his men enter the dark area that Kara was thrown into. Kylo sensed that the Supreme Leader has some use for her.

"Ben." Jacen said in fear and anger at the same time.

"Hello cousin..." Kylo said coldly. The three of them stare at him silently and angrily.

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