Chapter Five - Jean Jacket

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Bruce's POV~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

        Tony and I had been working in the lab all day. Except for the point where Tony had to take a break to get everyone's opinions on Rose's shopping trip. No matter how amusing that picture was, the fact that we were dealing with explosives should have kept him at attention. Currently, he was in the shower getting ash out of his goatee.

        "Hey Bruce?" I look up from the equation I've been working on to see Pepper.

        "Oh. Hey Pepper. Tony's in the shower." I say, going back to my work.

        "I already talked to Tony, Bruce." She says. I look up, apologetic.

        "Sorry, I just assumed...

        "No, no. It's fine. I get it, trust me." She says with a smile. "I was just wondering if you could do me a favor." Now , I wonder why those words sounded familiar....

        "Sure, what is it?" I ask, walking over. She holds up a jean jacket.

        "Could you return this to Rose for me tomorrow? She left it in the car when we dropped her off." I take the jacket from her, the soft material rubbing against me fingers.

        "Why couldn't you do it?" I ask.

        "Tony and I have a huge meeting tomorrow, and Nat would do it, but she, Clint, and Steve are all going to Fury tomorrow to see if they can find any more information on that one invisible person you have to find." She says, dismissively waving her hand.

        "I can drop it off." I say, moving over to place it over my own coat so I wouldn't forget it in the morning.

        "Great! Drop it by the bar first, she's normally there. If she's not, just text me and I'll give you her apartment address." I nod, and she looks satisfied. "Have you eaten yet?I was going to throw in a pizza for Tony and the others."

        "Uh..." I rack my brains. Have I eaten yet? I don't think so.

        "I'm going to take that as a no." She says, turning towards the door. "I'll have Jarvis call you when it's ready." I go back to my work, trying to figure out exactly why those chemicals exploded. As always, my work consumes me, and after what feels like seconds, Jarvis speaks up.

        "Dr. Banner, Miss Potts has asked me to inform you that dinner is ready."

        "Tell her i'll be up in a little bit. I just need to get this done." I say, swiping my finger across the computer screen.

        "Yes sir."


        I look up at the bar as I step out of the cab. I noticed the lights were on inside, and I walked up, pausing for a second before knocking on the door. Silence. Maybe she wasn't here? I knock again, a little louder. Suddenly, a voice screams through the door.

        "Miss Rose!!!!!!!" It's  a childs voice? "Someone's here!" They call out.

        "Well Em, go see who it is!" Another voice commands, still not Rose.

        "Lil!" A voice scolds. "Don't order your sister around. Emma, could you please go see who it is? I'm a little busy." It's Rose.

        "Yes Miss Rose!" The youngest voice calls. Em? I hear the pitter patter of small feet, and the blinds on the door lift up an inch. Two blue eyes stare out at me before it slips shut again. "I don't know who it is! Some guy!" Em yells.

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