Chapter Thirteen - Recruit

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        "So Tony is making you move out of your apartment?" Lou asks. We were having a pretty slow night at the bar, and I had been telling Lou what had happened.

        "It can't be that bad." Carrie says.

        "Okay, I was pretty sure you met Tony. And I know that Terri met him too, so you can't do that switcheroo thing to me again." Carrie rolls her eyes, and Terri's head pops out of the storeroom.

        "What'd I do this time? It wasn't me! I have an alibi!" I roll my eyes.

        "We weren't blaming you of anything. We just mentioned you." I say, and she pauses.

        "Okay then. Don't do it again." She says with a smirk. She vanishes into the back room again, and Nick walks in, Ian following closely behind. I look up, noticing that the bar was pretty much cleared out.

        "Hey, its like a ghost town out there. I'm pretty sure we're done for the night." Nick says. "It probably wouldn't hurt if you wanted to lock up now, because honestly Rose, you don't look good." That was Nick for you. Blunt and to the point.

        "Thanks Nick." I say sarcastically.

        "Well, he's not wrong." Lou says. "What we're you doing last night?" I sigh.

        "I was camped out in my old apartment all night, packing up my stuff, and ignoring all the calls and texts a worried Tony was sending me." I say, looking down at the glass I was cleaning.

        "Well, since we're getting off early, why don't we help you move?" Ian says, and I raise an eyebrow.

        "Who said you were getting off early?" I ask. He fidgets, and I laugh. "I'm not that cruel. You guys are pretty much off. It would be helpful if you wanted to help though. Some of the boxes are pretty heavy, and I am not calling any of the guys. Maybe Steve, but I'd rather not." I shrug, and Ian nods, along with Nick.

        "Might as well. Got nothing else to do, and I wasn't able to meet the Avengers last time." I nod my thanks. Terri and Carrie both agree to help, but Lou has plans with her boyfriend, and Ryan wasn't even working today. I lock up as we walk out after the last straggler leaves, Terri had been dropping hints at him for about ten minutes before he got the idea and left. We walk quickly down the street as it gets radiply darker out, Nick having driven his van was already waiting outside.

        "Ready for this?" Ian asks.

        "Nope." I say, shaking my head. "Lets go." I walk up the crumbling front steps, and we climb the stairs to my apartment. We get there, and all the boxes I packed sit right in the small living room, where Molly is laying on her dog bed.

        "I swear, she doubles in size every time I see her." Nick mutters, and I laugh.

        "Eh, probably." Nick moves his fringe out of his eyes.

        "Are these all the boxes?" I nod. "You need more stuff." He says, immediately grabbing two boxes. I roll my eyes.

        "And I wonder why you and Tony don't get along. You both are so similar." I say, grabbing a box. With everyone helping, it takes a little over a half hour to load everything, and it feels horrible, standing in that empty apartment. I look down at Molly, scratching her head. "I guess it's time to go, girl." I say quietly. She whimpers. "Yeah, I don't want to leave either, but Tony's got my hands tied." I sigh and look around the apartment one last time before leaving the keys on the counter and shutting the door behind me.

        "Dear, I am going to miss you!" Mrs. P squeezes me tightly, and I can't breathe for a moment.

        "I'm going to visit Mrs. P. I say. "Tony can't stop me from doing that. And I'll be around here often enough. I walk with the girls a lot, and you know that." She smiles.

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