Chapter Three - The Past

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        "Invisible?" I ask, hoping my nerves and terror didn't show through.

        "Yep. Fury showed us some footage from the fight. Apparently, we had an invisible little helper."

        "That big guy with the eyepatch that got you to get out of the dounut?" I ask.

        "That's the one." Tony says, taking a sip of his drink. Natasha laughs a little, but the others are looking extremly confused now.

        "I'll explain later." Natasha says. I lean against the bar, pretending to think.

        "I haven't been open since the attack, so I don't have the normal chatter to listen too. What I have heard though, is just about you guys. Nothing about someone invisible." I say. "But I'll keep my ears open. Text you if I hear anything."

        "Thank you." The Captain says.

        "Anytime 'Murica, anytime." I respond, making Tony and Clint Barton laugh. Captain's eyebrows crinkle together, confused.

        "Murica?" He asks. I wave my hand, dissmising his question.

        "Just a nickname. Don't worry about." I say. I turn to Tony. "Actually, I don't know their real names. Introduce me." I say.

        "Guys, this is Rose Sanders. Rose, these are the guys." Tony says. I roll my eyes and sigh.

        "Helpful Tony." I mutter.

        "I'm Steve Rogers, ma'am." The Captain says, and I shake his hand.

        "Natasha Romanoff."

        "Clint Barton." I nod greeting all of them like I didn't already know. I turn to Bruce and raise an eyebrow.

        "Do you have a name, or am I just going to have to call you that one big green guy?" He nervously turns to Tony, who rolls his eyes and nods.

        "I trust her big guy. With my life." Tony pauses before turning to me. "Actually...."

        "I am not messing with that thing again." I say, pointing to his arc reactor. "Get Pepper to do it again. Seriously, it's gross."

        "But Pepper won't do it again and I just need a few wires-"

        "No. Not going to happen." I say. He starts to talk again, but I ignore him. "So, your name?"I ask again. He shuffles nervously yet again.

        "It's, uh, Bruce."  He says. "Bruce Banner." I reach out, and wait for him to shake my hand, and after a moment, he does. I smile as his soft hand touches mine, and I swear I feel a spark.

        "It's nice to meet you Bruce." Our eyes lock for a moment before he turns away. He has beautiful deep chocolate brown eyes. "So Tony, did you need anything else?" I ask, turning away as well. He shrugs, thinking about it, then shakes his head no. "Okay, can I drive back to the tower? I want to talk to Pepper for a little bit."

        "Will you make dinner?" Tony immediatly asks, and I roll my eyes.

        "Well duh. Without me, you'd live off of pizza and take-out." I say.

        "Yeah, probably." He says, tossing me the keys. "Just... be careful with her. I don't want another totaled car." I punch him on the shoulder.

        "Would you let that go? I was seventeen, and we both agreed that it was your fault." I say. He rubs his arm. The others start to get up. "Just leave your glasses there, I have to come back later anyway." I say. We walk out and to the van Tony directed me towards. I look over at him skeptically.

Invisible To You (A Bruce Banner Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now