Chapter Thirty: Smash

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        The roar that echoed through the tower shook me to my core. "Tony... what did you do?!" I hiss.

        "A thing." He says nervously. I clench my jaw.

        "Lil, come here." I say, sprinting towards my closet. She follows, as does Tony, who looks curious. I set Em down and walk to the end of my closet and move aside some dresses, punching a button on the wall Tony didn't know about. A small trap door slides open on the ceiling. I had messed with the blueprints of the tower and made a few random safe-rooms that Tony wasn't aware of.

        "What... What the....?" Tony looks utterly baffled.

        "Not the time." I say. I hear a large crashing sound, and another roar splits the air. "Girls, don't freak out. Lil, when I get you up there, there will be a bright red button with the word 'Shut Down' on it. Press it, and don't come out until I come and get you. Understood?" She nods, and I can see fear in her eyes. I quickly lift them up to the door using my mind. The girls are both so shocked by the sudden change that they don't struggle. "Lil, hit the button now!" She gives me one last scared look before she looks to the side. The door slams shut.


        "Not the time Tony. Come on!"  I sprint out of my room, heading towards the sounds of the crashing noises.

        "Wait. If we're running towards banner, I need my suit." I nod, still running. Tony grabs my arm, stopping me in my tracks. "You need to go back. The Hulk could kill you. Go."

        "No." I say simply. Another large crash, this time much closer. "I can and will help." He looks at me, and sees the determination in my eyes.

        "Fine. You know what, fine. Just wait until I get back. Don't you dare take him on yourself." I roll my eyes but nod, knowing he only had the best in mind for me. We both sprint in different directions, him towards the closest suit, and me towards Bruce.  Another Roar echos through the tower, so close that my teeth rattle. I freeze, but the roar was so loud that I couldn't tell the direction it came from. I heard shouts, and my head snaps down the hallway between the kitchen and the living room.

        Hearing the voices, I knew the other avengers were already with the Hulk, trying to calm him down. I sprinted towards the shouts and crashes. At least I wasn't taking him on alone. That's what Tony warned me against. So if the others were in there, technically I wasn't going against anything Tony said. I run into the living room, and I see the back of a giant green thing. Steve sees me, and his eyes widen. He's breathing hard, and I see him holding onto his shield.

        "Rose-" Whatever Steve begins to say is lost to me as the Hulk turns quickly, his arms swinging around as he does. The back of his hand hits me with such force that the air rushes out of me. I'm flung back through the air, and I hit the wall with a sickening crack. Maybe several? I'm not sure, it happened so fast. I crumple to the floor, gasping for air, each breath making pain shoot through my chest. Ribs then.

        It takes me nearly a minute, but I stumble to my feet, ignoring the pain. A chair goes flying, and it hits the wall a few feet away, smashing it to bits. "Rose! I told you not too-" Tony's voice is mechanical through the suit. He's cut off by Hulk grabbing him and throwing him out the window. I brace a hand against the wall, bracing myself. Steve throws his shield, distracting the Hulk from Natasha as Tony flies back through the window.

        "I wasn't technically in here alone." I gasp out. Tony can't answer, shooting a beam at Hulk to keep him away from Steve. I needed to get the Hulk's attention. It was Hulk, not Bruce. The others were trying to reason with him as if he was Bruce, but it really wasn't. I use my mind to throw a leg of the chair at the Hulk's head.  "Over here!" I scream. The Hulk turns to look at me, growling. He charges at me, and his ginormous hand wraps around my torso, squeezing. I cry out in pain as Hulk brings me in close to his face. I could feel the Hulk's hot breath on my face.

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