Chapter Twenty Five - Choice

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Bruce's POV~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

        "Sir, there is someone on the hotline." That simple sentence shook me to the core when Jarvis said it. Someone had called the hotline? The one for Rose? "Would you like for me to patch them through?"

        "Yes!" I say quickly, nearly dropping the test tube I was holding. Which would have been very bad. Instead of curing me, it irritated the Hulk even more than normal.

        "Um... Hello?" The woman on the other end of the line calls out. "This is the Rose Stark Hotline, right?"

        "Rose Saunders." I quickly correct. "But yes, yes it is." Trough the phone, I hear her sigh deeply.

        "Okay, here's the thing. I'm about Ninety Nine percent sure that she's my coworker." The woman says. "I had seen the picture and press conferences before, but I didn't put two and two together until one happened on the TV in the diner we both work at. She basically froze and had her eyes glued to the screen, and when I saw the picture and her right next to each other, I realized how much they looked alike. They really look exactly alike, but at the same time really different." I hear the woman sigh in frustration. "I mean, if she was trying to hide in plain sight, she did perfectly. But there are a lot of things you can fake nowadays."

        I felt like my tongue was tied. It might be her. "When did she become your coworker?" I ask quickly.

        "About three weeks ago. Boss said she was a natural around the diner, and she gets a lot of the night bar shifts. She can make a mean drink." She responds.

        "Okay, I'm going to get the team together. We'll be down there by tomorrow. I need the name of the state, town, and diner." I say quickly. She hangs up after telling me, and I nearly sprint to the elevator. Nearly. I wasn't going to let the Hulk out now.

        My entire body felt alive as I stepped into the living room. This could be her. This could be her... and I felt extraordinarily happy about it. that realization stops me in my tracks. I hadn't felt anything like this... ever. Not even with Betty. Nothing this... intense. "Jarvis, get everyone to the living room. Call Nat and Clint and tell them we need them at the Stark jet ASAP. Oh, and get the Jet ready for takeoff." I really hated to command Jarvis around, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

        "Yes Dr. Banner. Everyone is headed up to the living room now." I walk in to see Steve and a very hungover Tony. He looks up at me, and the only words out of my mouth are "At least you're sober."

        "I'd rather not be." He mumbles.

        "Oh, You'll want to be for this." I say with a small smile. "Someone called the hotline. We have a solid lead."

Tia's POV~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

        I was working the ten to four shift at the diner. I didn't realize Riley.... well.... Rose maybe was working too. We weren't exactly friends, but it was always easy to speak to her. I had gotten a call from the man on the hotline telling them that they'd be here at noon. I made sure I would take my break then. It was eleven forty five now, and I was anxious to talk to Stark. I was more and more sure that Riley was Rose.

        I hear the bell above the front door jingle, and I turn around at the front counter. "Welcome to..." I trail off when I see Tony Stark. There are a group of people behind him that I strongly suspect are the Avengers. I glance over to see Riley/Rose with her back turned, waiting on a table. "There is a private booth over there." I say, jerking my head to the booth in the back corner. "My break is in five minutes. I'll be there then." I turn back to the kitchen, hoping that they do as I'll ask.

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