Chapter Twenty Two - Fights

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        Tony got back to the tower a few minutes later, and he kinda looked like one of those cartoon characters that had steam coming out of their ears. That was the only thought running through my head as he was yelling at me. Probably not the best thing I could be doing while he was yelling angrily. I probably should be listening, but I knew exactly what he would be saying. How much of an idiot I was being, how I could have gotten hurt. Honestly, pretending to listen and thinking about something else was easier. I had done it many times before with others, so I knew he wouldn't catch on. The only thing that slightly bothered me anyway was the fact that everyone was there. I could only be glad that the girls weren't here tonight.

        But then he said something that made me stop imagining an angry little cartoon Tony. He said something that made me snap.

        "Why do you only ever think of yourself?!" He yells. My head snaps up.

        "Excuse me?" I say in a quiet voice. He is still glaring at me, as if to say 'you heard me'. "I only ever think of myself?" I ask, standing up. "Did you, of ALL PEOPLE just say that to me? You HYPOCRITE." I yell, getting in his face. "In case you didn't notice, my well being was the LAST THING on my mind tonight! I was thinking of YOU," I say, poking his chest. "And THEM," I gesture to the team. "And EVERYONE I love." I yell . "I was thinking that if I faced this disgusting excuse for a human head on, he would back off and not hurt anyone that I cared about! I was thinking that I didn't want any of you to get hurt because some PSYCHO is obsessed with me!" I can see that the others want to intervene, but they don't, and I'm to far into my rant to stop now.

        "Don't you DARE compare you to me! I am your opposite! Unlike you, I think of everyone but myself! While you.... YOU!" I have angry tears running down my face. Tony and I never fight like this. "All of your thoughts are about YOU! The only person you've ever thought of that wasn't yourself was ME, and that's only because I am LEGALLY tied to you! The law has made me YOUR responsibility, and if the press saw you do one bad, one mean thing to ME? It would come back to bite you in the butt!" I scream. "The ONLY reason you care for me is because you HAVE TO. And you know what?! You don't have to pretend anymore! I'm done!" I'm fuming. "I'm done with YOU, and your fake feelings! And your stupid, stuck up, snobby know-it-all attitude!"

        My cheeks are damp with tears as I turn away and sprint for the staircase, the look on Tony's face etched into my head. I regretted the words the second that they had come out of my mouth, but I wasn't about to take them back. Deep down, I knew that I really thought that all of what he just said might have been true. Maybe that what all of I had said was true.

        I sprint down four flights of stairs before I stop on a floor and call the elevator. I wasn't in the mood to run down that many flights of stairs. In the elevator, I furiously wipe at my cheeks, trying to stop the tears from falling but failing miserably. Not even Casey.... not even Bruce had tried to stop me. Casey, who had been my best friend for as long as I remember. And Bruce, who I had just... Shared a moment with. I had actually admitted to liking him. They just stood there.

        I stride out of the lobby, trying to keep a normal speed, while also trying to get as far away as possible as quickly as I could. All I wanted to do was get away. I needed to get somewhere quiet that I could just think. I quickly hailed a cab, knowing exactly where to go.

        "Empire state building please." I say quietly, sliding in. The cabbie looks back at me.

        "You realize that it's closed miss?" He asks, and I nod. "Alright then." He says with a shrug, turning into traffic. I dig my phone out of my pocket and open the back of it up, quickly shutting off the tracker I knew Tony had put inside it. I didn't need him finding me. Just to make sure, I powered my phone down, shoving the dead tech back into my pocket. I watch out the window as other cars zoom past until we arrive. I quickly pay the cabbie, giving him a big tip.

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