Chapter Thirty Seven - Sleep

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        "So......" I look up from the fettichini alfredo I was making to where Tony was sitting at one of the barstools in the kitchen. He had been acting weird all day, along with last night. I raise an eyebrow at him.

        "So.... what?" I ask, stirring the boiling pot of noodles.

        "How's Bruce?" I frown, looking at him curiously.

        "Weren't you just in the lab with him? Why are you asking me, anyway?" I say, turning to the sauce, making sure it was at the right temperature. I grab my soda can off the counter, taking a large sip.

        "Well, you are his girlfriend, so I figured..." He trails off as I choke on my drink, the soda burning as it comes back up and out my nose. Tony shoots out of his chair, coming over and patting my back as I went into a coughing fit. "Okay, okay. Sorry. Next time I'll make sure you don't have a drink."

        "I... Tony... I... Um...." I stumble over my words, trying to figure out what to say. "How did you... when..." The questions don't come out as complete sentences.

        "You want to find a more private place to cuddle with your boyfriend. I mean, anyone could have stumbled upon you two." I frown.

        "We were in the hidden room above my closet! How did you even...." I shake my head. "Why didn't you say anything?" He raises his eyebrows.

        "Why didn't I say anything? Why didn't you tell me?" He asks incredulously. "Because it seems like you were letting everyone except me know about it!"

        "Tony, no one was supposed to know about it!" I say, frustrated. "Nat figured it out and told Clint. Steve only found out a week ago because of his stupid night runs, and the girls have known from the beginning because... well..." I flounder. "I guess they knew because they're my girls. They just know."

        "But why couldn't you tell me? Or Pepper?" He asks. I sigh, turning back to stir the sauce some more.

        "You know what you're like Tony." I mutter. "I love you, but.... you're so frustrating sometimes!" I turn around hand on my hips. "I didn't know if you were going to tease me, or if you'd approve. And if it ended up falling through, I didn't want you to lose your friend." Tony frowns, grabbing my shoulders so I look him in the eye.

        "Rose, you're more important than anyone, understand?" He says.

        "Even Pepper?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. He hesitates.

        "I.... yes. Even Pepper." He says reluctantly. I laugh.

        "You better be glad she's not here to hear that." I say. "Besides, if you two ever separated, I think I'd go with Pepper. She'd get everything in the divorce."

        "Hey!" Tony exclaims, poking me. I start laughing. "Divorce? We aren't even married yet!" I freeze the same time Tony does, a smile spreading across my face.

        "Yet?" I squeal. The color drains from his face. "Tony!" He starts swearing, while I'm practically jumping up and down.

        "You weren't supposed to know about that." He says. I run over and hug him tightly, and after a few seconds he returns the hug. "I guess this makes us even." He mutters.

        "Oh it better." I say, pulling back and looking at him. "I can't wait to see tiny Stark babies all over! Your first child better be named after me." I say, pointing at him and giving him a look. He rolls his eyes with a chuckle.

        "Rose, you are my first child." He says. I can't help the smile that spreads across my face.

        "Aww! Tony!" I wrap him in a bigger hug, burying my face into his shoulder.

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