Chapter 16: Irving Hall Presents the Bowery Beauties

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We run  down a catwalk and Jack finally slows down. "Slow down, slow down. I think we lost him."  I wipe the sweat off of my brow relived.  Davey then crosses over me and Les to be face to face with the newsie. "Does someone want to tell me why I'm runnin'? I got no one chasing me. Who was that guy?" 

Jack sighs and then looks at me for approval. I nod and he goes on to tell Davey. "That there was Synder the Spider. He's a real sweetie, he runs a jail for under aged kids called the Refuge. The more kids he brings in, the more the city pays out. The problem is, all the money goes straight into his own pocket. Do yourself a favor and stay clear of Synder and the refuge alright?"

It barely lit where we are. I can sense a metal railing so I reach out and grab it. I try to not make it evident that I was tense about the subject of Synder. The music is very cheery and sounds like a toy piano. Davey does the same thing beside me. We look at each other and he asks me. "That's how you know Jack isn't it?" He didn't ask what I did, he didn't ask for how long I've been running for either. 

"Would you think I was a horrible person if I said yes?" I ask him hanging my head down.

Davey shakes his head and then replies to me. "I would never think that about you. You know that.""

I look up at him and we both smile at each, but a unknown shout ruins the moment. "Hey, you up there, shoo!" All four of us look over the railing to see a women is a low-cut, extravagant, very pink costume. "No kids allowed in the theater."

Just when I think we'll be out on the streets the famous Jack Kelly sweeps in again. "Not even me, Miss Medda!"

The women, Miss Medda, then waves us down and her voice went from scary to sweet. "Jack Kelly, man of mystery. Get yourself down here and give me a hug." Les runs after the newsie, leaving Davey and I to have to follow him not matter what. 

People are walking all over the stage getting ready for the show. I almost bump into a man carrying a giant stage lamp. A garment rack full of elaborate pieces of clothing, rolls in front of me and Davey cause us to have to wait until after they were gone to continue after Jack and Les. 

We get there just in time to see Jack hugging Miss Medda and she says, "Where you been keeping yourself kid?"

"Oh never far from you, Miss Medda." They let go of their hug, and she places her hand on her hip looking that the three unknown kids to her.

Jack takes it upon himself to introduce everyone, "Boys, may I present Miss Medda Larkin, the greatest star of the bowery today." He the nudges me in the side. Medda looks around like he just stated the obvious. "She also owns the joint." Good to know, I'll put that in my pocket for a rainy day.

She then looks me in the eyes to correct what Jack just told me, "Oh, the only thing I own is the mortgage. " Then she directs her attention to the Jacobses. "Pleasure, gents."

I extend my hand to her, "Nice to meet you. I'm Rebecca and this is Davey and his little brother Les." Miss Medda shakes my hand and then looks over at the Jacobs brothers. 

Davey bends down and takes of his hat. "A pleasure." Les doesn't do the same, instead he is bent over looking at two of the showgirls very deeply. I cover up my mouth to keep from laughing at the little one's discovery. Jack had to look at the backdrop to keep from embarrassing Les. Davey was mad at his little brother. "What's wrong with you?"

Les doesn't move a muscle, "Are you blind? She's got no clothes on." Davey moves in front of his brother to block his view and tries to explain it to Les, "That's just her costume." Les still has a good view of the showgirls through Davey's legs, because he is so tall. "But I can see her legs!" Awed, by everything Les breathes a hopeful sigh full of bliss.

Medda walks up to the situation and pushes Davey out of Les' glaze. "Step out of his way so he can get a better look. Theater is not only entertaining, its educational. "  She preaches. The showgirls blow kisses at Les and Davey physically turns his around facing back to me and Jack. Medda goes back to where she was standing.

The two girls leaving and Les is left with a bunch of air kisses that he will probably hold onto till he's thirty. Medda says this while laughing, "Got ya picture kid." Les shakes his head up and down very fast.  Jack then places his hand on her shoulder, "Listen, Medda we got a sitiution on the street. You mind if we hide in here for a while?"

Medda then walks over and pats me on the shoulder, "Where better to escape than a theater." That maes a little smile creep on my face. "Is Synder chasing you again?" She says without lowering her voice at all. Now Davey knows that, the running away from Synder isn't a one time thing.

Les pipes up and hops infront of Jack, "Hey, Jack, did you really escape jail on the back of Teddy Roosevelt's carriage?" Les' eyes are wide waiting for the answer that he so desperately wants to be yes. Before he could even get his answer his older brother stepped in front of him to be face to face with Jack. "Why would the goverenor be at juivnile jail?"

Jack placed a hand on his hip and sasses Davey off, "Just so happens he was running for office and he wanted to show he cared about orphans and such. So while he got his mug in the pape, I got my butt in the backseat and off we rode together." I didn't know that story and I'm gald I do now. I'm not one to steal ideas, but that could make a good short story. Good enough to be published in the papers even.

Les was still wide eyed, "Do you really know the governor?" He asked amazed.

Medda swings her hips out and her pink dress twirls around. "He don't but I do." She says laughing, her laughter is faded when Medda walks towards a beautiful summery backdrop. "Say. Jack when you got time, I want you to paint me some more of these backdrops. The last one you did is a doozy! Folks love it! And things have been going to well lately, that I can actually pay."

Jack waves Medda off of that train of thought rather quickly, "Hey, I could never take your money." I didn't except a guy like Jack to refuse money, but I guess when you have pride and the people you care about offer it to you, you would not take the money.

I look at the backdrop. There is enormous amount of detail and it's really a sight and a beauty. "You did that?" I ask him. Jack shrugs his shoulders embarrassed. Medda looks over at me and points at Jack, "Your friend is quite an artist."

Before I could even compliment him on the backdrop Jack stopped me, "Don't get carried away. Its just a bunch of trees." Davey reluctantly admits, "You really good."

Then a short man in suspenders and a yellow button up shirt runs up to us. He taps Medda on the shoulder and she turns around and gives him a look that made that poor man terrified. "Medda, you're on." 

Medda places her hand on her hip and poses. "Oh yeah? How am I doing?" I laugh a little at that, and she's smiles knowing that she got me to laugh. Then to says to us, the kids, "Boys, girl, Lock the door and stay all night. You're with Medda now."

Then the curtains open and we all run offstage before any of the audience notices us. The stage manager goes over in the middle of the stage and yells for everyone to hear, "Ladies and gentlemen! Please welcome the  star of our show, Miss Medda Larkin. A spotlight appears right on Medda and she acts like it's nothing instead she soaks up all the light making her shine.  Her voice is deep and raspy, but still shines.

Jack find his way out into the audience without me even noticing. I just looked and he wasn't there. Les, Davey and I poke out heads out of the curtains to try and get a better view. Les is smiling and from what I can tell is enjoying the show thus far. It's nice to see a kid be happy, especially when you live in a time like this.

Tonight, was a good night.

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