Chapter 22: We arent going to have lunch are we?

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The door was left standing open and Ernie was the first one to walk in. I step in and see my father sitting up in front of a big oak desk.

A rounded man with wire glasses stands up from behind the desk. This is the governor of New York state. He is supposed to be more threatening than he actual looks.

I feel Ernie reach for my hand, so I hold his hand tightly out of nervousness. All of the business men, my father and the governor are staring at the three of us. No other kids are in sight. Timothy clears his throat and is about to speak up, but Mr. Roosevelt steps out and in front of us. My father follows behind him. "I knew Mr. Tulsa here had two children, but I didn't know about the other."

Timothy took of his hand and reached out and shook his hand, while talking. "Oh no sir. I'm Timothy Denton, I am just a really close family friend." He forgot to stop shakeing his hand. Mr. Roosevelt being a kind person keeps letting Timothy shake hands with him. Finally my friend notices and stopping shaking hands and mutters out a sorry, "Oh gosh, I'm sorry."

Dad walks around and puts his arm around me and Ernie. "These my kids. Rebecca Lois Tulsa and the little one is Ernest Harold Tulsa." I reach out to shake the Mr. Roosevelt's hand and he shakes my hand rather fast then shakes Ernie's.

"Kids are the future, and from what I have heard from your father I'm confident that you three are ready for that. Now, I believe the future, in your hands, will be bright and prosperous." Mr. Roosevelt said that and placed his hand on Ernie's shoulder at the end, when he finished talking.

So I said what any person would have said, "Why, thank you."

"So your father has told me that you are a writer, that's quite a profession." He says to me. "You can really make a change in the world being a writer."

Change? Maybe that's what I should do. Write something to help with the strike isn't a bad idea, but who knows where I would even start. I make a mental note to talk to Jack about it tonight. That's only if I have the guts to go there tonight. I have limits and that is one. Sneaking out to go see a huge group of boys that are strangers to most of the people in my laugh.

Timothy takes this moment to speak up, "If I know her like I think I do, Rebecca'll definitely make a change soon." Why did I tell him about the strike? Before I know it everyone in the Denton family will know

I look over at my father who has his eyebrows raised in a peculiar fashion. This is just peachy. Now he knows something's up. next thing I know Momma knows and I will be locked in my room until I'm married.

Now is not the time overreact. I'm sure that things won't play out to that effect, but still I'm treading dangerous waters here. 

Dad then speaks up causing me and Ernie to turn around. "Listen, sweetie...I don't think we can do lunch today, I just have so much work that I have to do."

I was taken back by this. My dad just got back and yet his work seemed to follow him all the way back to New York.

I was mad, but I am not an idiot. I couldn't let anyone see that it bothered me. Ernie would then feel upset, Timothy would try and make me feel better, and my father wouldn't be able to keep his mind on his work.

So what did I do, like anyone sane person I lied, "Oh don't worry. I completely understand."

"I wasn't even hungry." Ernie blankly says. That made the business men in the room to laugh.

Roosevelt looks at us three kids and started to ramble. I couldn't tell if he was speaking from the heart or just loved to hear himself talk, "I'm sad that you three couldn't stay longer, you seem like an interesting bunch."

Timothy then places his hat back on his head, "It was so nice to meet you."

"The pleasure was all mine." Said the governor.

Ernie and I give our father a quick hug before leaving. Timothy was left awkwardly standing there waiting. But that is what he does normally anyways.

We passed the guy at the desk who looked like he was about to fall asleep. I would hate to sit at a desk all day with nothing to do but ponder with my thoughts. Yikes, that sounds dark.

Timothy opens the door for me and Ernie. He then takes the moment to talk to me about the strike with no adults around. "Do you trust this Jack guy? I know he helped you but do you think you could trust him with something as big as this?"

"Timothy it doesn't matter if I trust him or not. Jack Kelly is the man for this job. But to clear things up...Yes I'd trust him with my life." I breath out. Timothy was shocked by my answer. He rubs his temples and then says, "But with your life?"

Ernie kicks a pebble on the ground. I sigh and then wrap my arm around my friend. "Do you know how I even met him? I was running way from Synder and the Delancey brothers who were about to arrest me, because I snapped at him and he wouldn't pay Mr. Rumble. Jack grabbed my hand and helped me. If he didn't I would be in the Refuge right now. So yes I trust him with my life."

"Okay then." Timothy shrugs off, and he sticks his hands in his pockets, but he doesn't stop talking. "But what I am supposed to do sew these newsies some new pants."

"No you nit-wit. You support them." I says and that makes Timothy and Ernie laugh. In result made a smile creep upon my face. An idea jumped into my head. "Why don't you come with me tonight and you can meet them yourself?"

Timothy raises his eyebrows, "Tonight like before dinner?"

I face palm and that's when Ernie taps Timothy's shoulder. He bends down to my brothers and height, and then Ernie starts to whisper in his  ear. Timothy face changes from perplexed to shocked slowly. He pops back up to his normal height and looks at me with wide eyes, "Sneaking out?!?! Rebecca what are you thinking? You could get caught? Oh my god what if you die? What if I die? What would I do?"

"Breathe Timothy, just breathe." I say placing my hands on his shoulders. "No one is going to die."

"Why do you always drag me into these situations? I am safe. I have a steady job that I get actually get some money for."

"And here you are best friends with a girl that says she has a job, but in real life makes no money at all."

Timothy puts his arm around my shoulder and I lean my head on his shoulder. "What happened to those kids who used to jump rope everyday and took pies from Mrs. Dawn?"

"We grew up Timothy, we grew up."

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